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Arrest of a U.S. Citizen

U.S. citizens in Paraguay are subject to Paraguayan law.  Paraguayan authorities have the right to arrest U.S. citizens suspected of breaking local law, even when the alleged crime would not be illegal in the United States.  The U.S. government, through Consular Officers at U.S. Embassies, monitors the treatment of incarcerated U.S. citizens and provides services to the prisoner and his or her family.

Please click here (PDF - 84kb) for the Embassy's Information Sheet for U.S. citizens arrested in Paraguay.

The Embassy’s services are intended to ensure the prisoner’s well-being, not to affect the outcome of legal proceedings.  The Embassy can not attempt to secure the release of an incarcerated U.S. citizen, nor can the Embassy provide legal representation or advice.  The Embassy will, however, provide incarcerated persons with a list of local attorneys.

Please click here to see a list of Paraguayan attorneys.  NOTE: This list is for your information ONLY.  The Embassy makes no representation concerning the availability or performance of any attorney on this list, and can neither endorse nor recommend a particular attorney.

Information about an incarcerated person’s case is protected under U.S. law by the Privacy Act.  The Embassy will only release information about the case to persons whom the incarcerated person has authorized to receive the information.

Message for U.S. Citizens (copy) (copy)


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