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Support to the Global War on Terrorism

Continuous growth, increasing influence and the power of terrorist organisations are the current threats posed to the international community. Today's security therefore requires a joint and well-coordinated approach.

Slovenia decisively condemns terrorism in all its forms. Being aware that consistent respect of democratic values, human rights and the rule of law are the most efficient long-term weapons against terrorism, Slovenia is actively participating in endeavours of the international community in combating terrorism through providing concrete contributions and carrying out measures adopted within the contexts of the UN, the EU, NATO and the OSCE.

Slovenia’s support to international peace and stability efforts

The international and national security environments of the 21st century are faced with various sources of threats and risks brought about by non-state entities of often complex and hardly predictable nature. Their continuous growth, strong influence and power have represented an important threat to the international community for over a decade. Slovenia is well aware of the importance of international assistance in the areas from where threats to peace might spill over to other countries and regions, thus posing threats to their own security.

With its participation in multinational operations and missions, Slovenia supports the endeavors of the UN, the EU, NATO, the OSCE and the Council of Europe in the areas that have represented a haven for violent extremism, and is committed to supporting their democratization to avoid that they do not, once more, become a base of terror attacks.

Support in providing security and stabilization in Afghanistan

The Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) has been present in Afghanistan since 2004. Through the years, the nature and the composition of Slovenian Contingents varied. Depending on the needs, they included specialists like firefighters, veterinarians, medical personnel, etc. In 2005, by sending five military instructors to the Afghan National Army (ANA) Combat Support Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT), led by Italy, the SAF became involved in the ANA Training Process, which was to contribute to a faster transition process in Afghanistan.

In October 2010, the SAF took over the command of its own OMLT within ANA battalion, and with future contingents we are planning to additionally increase the numbers of our instructors in NTM-A mission. Our troops train ANA members in infantry weapon handling, computer-handling, topography, and military medicine. One of the important capabilities deployed includes the ROLE I medical unit with personnel providing assistance to contingent members, members of the Afghan National Army, Afghan National Police and civilians. Here, USassistance should be specifically pointed out. The USA contributed a Colorado National Guard team for the purpose of joint training and operation. The SAF also greatly benefited from the equipping opportunities offered by US programs to allied countries in Afghanistan.

By autumn 2012, the SAF will complete its 4th six-month rotation of the command of its own OMLT without national caveats (in all operational phases of ANA).

Between 2002 and 2011, Slovenia provided over 5 million EUR worth of donations to Afghanistan, including humanitarian aid, weapons, ammunition, equipment and finances. The major part of Slovenia’s contribution to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan focused on the implementation of the veterinary project for preventive vaccination of livestock of pastoral nomads and semi-nomads in the province of Herat in 2010. This was one of the largest core projects ever carried out in Afghanistan by civilian functional specialists. Parallel with this, Slovenia also assisted in capacity building of the University of Herat, particularly in the field of veterinary medicine, Fine Art Faculty and library system.

In 2011, almost half a million EUR were allocated for development and humanitarian activities in Afghanistan. Slovenia will also support the programs of the International Committee of the Red Cross (100,000 EUR) and the World Food Program (30,000 EUR). At the same time, Slovenia plans to co-finance the counseling programs (204,000 EUR), the programs for the Herat University facilities (100,000 EUR), and the research project of economic potential of cultural heritage in Herat (5,000 EUR). Assistance for the economic reintegration of immigrants from Iran (35,000 EUR) will also be provided.


At the Istanbul Summit, Slovenia supported the participation of NATO in training Iraqi security forces, and the first Slovenian Armed Forces Contingent was deployed to NTM-I mission on 24 February 2006. The last of the 7 Slovenian NTM-I contingents completed its participation on 31 December 2008.

Slovenia contributed a major amount of weapons and military equipment for the establishment of Iraqi security forces. In compliance with NATO’s operation, it also financially supported some activities of other member states. Throughout the years of participation, over 5.5 million EUR worth of donations have been contributed to Iraq, including financial aid, weapons and military equipment.

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