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Support to the Global War on Terror

Estonia condemns all possible forms of terrorism, regarding political violence and international terrorism as being an essential threat to international security and peace.

Estonia supports all internationally recognized anti-terrorist measures. Estonia consistently participates in efforts directed against international terrorism and supports the activities of all international organizations that are aimed at preventing terrorism and stopping its spread. Therefore, Estonia is purposefully developing appropriate international bilateral and multilateral cooperation and exchange of information. Estonia is fulfilling the UN Security Council Resolutions directed against terrorism and is a party to all the essential international. anti-terrorist conventions Estonia is doing everything possible to prevent weapons of mass destruction from falling into the possession of terrorists as well as to identify and eliminate international terrorism's possible sources of financing.

Support to Operation Enduring Freedom

Have participated from 25.07.2002 until 01.07.2005 6 - 10 persons as part of OEF. As of Today has our focus changed from OEF to ISAF and there is at the moment as part of Afghanistan ISAF 140 Estonians

Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom

Have participated from June 2003. At the moment are there ESTPLA-17 and staff officers altogether 35 Estonians. We have also one officer as part of NATO NTM-I military trainers team.

Estonian contribution for Humanitarian Assistance


During timeframe from 2002 until nowadays, Estonian Governmental institutions and voluntarily based donations, as material help (medicine, clothes, mattresses) and financial funds, which total value together was ca~123 000 $, were sent to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in order to reduce suffers of Afghanistan refugees.


During the year 2003, Estonia donation for United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and for International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) was $76,000. From 2004 until 2005, Estonia helped the Iraqi children by donating for them to the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) $38,000.

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