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flag_denmark.jpg Nation: The Kingdom of Denmark

Support to the Global War on Terror:

The overall goal for the Danish Armed Forces continues to be promotion of peace and security. This is done through prevention of conflict and war, the preservation of Danish national sovereignty and integrity, and through promotion of peaceful development in the world with respect for human rights. International engagement is central to a successful handling of the security problems and challenges of both the present and the future. Denmark is extensively engaged in both international military crisis management operations and civil emergency missions all over the world.

The current Danish Defense Agreement covers the years 2010 through 2014. The agreement was made among seven of the eight political parties represented in the Danish parliament on June 24, 2009. The agreement establishes that the development of the armed forces is to be continued along the lines set down in the 2005-2009 defense agreement. Thus, the transformation of the Danish armed forces towards more deployable and sustainable forces for international operations is continued in the years 2010-2014. In this transformation process, special emphasis is laid on improving the ability to participate in enduring international operations – also referred to as sustainability. With the Defense Agreement covering 2005-2009, Denmark was doubling its ambition with regard to the number of Danish troops that can be deployed continuously. The ambition is to be able to maintain up to some 2,000 troops deployed from all three services. When this number is compared to the size of the Danish population (5.5 million), Denmark is among the leading countries in the world when it comes to participation in international operations.

Support to ISAF/Operation Enduring Freedom:

Since 2002 Denmark has gradually increased its military engagement in Afghanistan. Currently the Danish contribution counts approximately 750 soldiers. The Danish mechanized battle group includes Main Battle Tanks and is part of the British-led Task Force Helmand in the Helmand province in the southern part of the country. Denmark also provides staff officers to HQ ISAF and HQ IJC as well as mentors and units to the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan (NTM-A). Danish soldiers and civilian police instructors support the capacity building of the Afghan Police Forces. Since the beginning of 2012, Danish Special Operations Forces train specialized Afghan police units in the Helmand province; Danish Air Force units provide in-theatre support to ISAF with a C-130J aircraft; and a Danish Mobile Air Control Centre is part of ISAF Regional Command North.

Denmark has developed a long-term strategy for the Danish engagement in Afghanistan. The Strategy states that Denmark will gradually shift the balance between military and civilian capacities, moving towards an increased civilian effort and a more unobtrusive military role. As the goals for the military efforts are reached, the Danish military engagement will be correspondingly reduced.

During the first years of the campaign in Afghanistan, Denmark deployed F-16 fighters and Special Operations Forces as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Danish contingents supported British, Swedish and German Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) in the Northern regions of Afghanistan and the Lithuanian PRT in the Western part. A Danish Air Force Radar Information System (DARIS) has been facilitating air operations at Kabul Air Field, and a light helicopter detachment has been part of the forces in the Helmand province.

Support to Counter Piracy Operations in CENTCOM AOR:

Denmark contributes and has contributed in several ways to the international efforts to suppress piracy off the coast of Somalia. Since 2008, Denmark has been an active part of the Counter Piracy Operations in the CENTCOM AOR, deploying Command & Support ships, either as part of Task Force 150 and subsequently Task Force 151 or the NATO Operation Ocean Shield. Periodically Denmark also commanded the maritime Task Forces.

Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF):

Denmark has been engaged in OIF with different contributions, including a mechanized battle group deployed to Basra as part of the British Division. Until December 2011, Denmark contributed to the Coalition Military Assistance Training Team and the NATO Training Mission in Baghdad.

Humanitarian Support:

In general, Danish Humanitarian Support is made as bilateral assistance via civilian agencies, primarily DANIDA, which is an agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But a considerable share of the Danish bilateral assistance is also channeled through Danish non-governmental organizations. Furthermore, Danish Non Governmental Organizations have achieved special status as important and competent partners for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in implementing Danish humanitarian assistance. (See link below for details on Danish Humanitarian Assistance).

The Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) is a governmental agency within the Ministry of Defence. Their objective is to ensure that the national rescue preparedness is optimized for rapid, flexible and efficient action abroad. Among the emergencies in which DEMA may assist are natural disasters and accidents; terrorist attacks; technological or industrial accidents; and complex emergencies in international crisis situations. International operations thus have high priority, and a fully equipped operational task force designed according to the specific type of disaster can be deployed within 12 hours when a disaster occurs.

The Danish Liaison Team to U.S. CENTCOM:

The Danish Liaison Team consists of the Danish Senior Representative, Brigadier General Jens Praestegaard (07), one liaison officer (O5) and a Command Sergeant Major (E9). The Danish Liaison Team mission is to coordinate operations with US CENTCOM, i.e. continuously updating the situational awareness in CENTCOM AOR; make preliminary arrangements regarding Danish force contributions within the CENTCOM AOR in accordance with instructions from the Danish Defence Command; and to exchange information and coordinate military flights within the CENTCOM AOR.


Danish Defence
Official Danish Web Site
Humanitarian Assistance
Statistics Danish Foreign Ministry
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Faroe Islands
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