TSG Information Series

The NTSWG, formerly known as the Telecommunications Security Group (TSG), is a Joint Working Group of the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS), which was established under EO 13231 to protect National Security Systems.

The TSG issued "standards" as the primary technical and policy resource for all aspects of the Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) Program within the U.S. Intelligence Community.

Additionally, TSG created an Information Series on relevant telephony issues that provide the salient points in a non-technical forum. The emphasis is to ensure that personnel at all levels become aware of the efforts required to provide adequate safeguards to real security concerns generated by today's telecommunications technology.

Computerized Telephone Systems (CTSs): A Review of CTS Deficiencies, Threats and Risks
Dated December 1994
Executive Overview
Dated January 1996
Central Office (CO) Interfaces
Dated November 1997
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Telephone Security (but were afraid to ask)
Dated December 1998

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