Press Release

Bishop Announces $2.1 Million Grant for Ogden Airport
Funding Will Complete Parallel Taxiway, Improve Safety

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Apr 15, 2008 -

Congressman Rob Bishop has announced that the Ogden Hinckley Airport will soon be receiving a $2.1 million grant from the federal Department of Transportation.  The grant, which comes in addition to moneys received last year for the same project, will provide final funding to finish construction of the new parallel taxiway to existing runway 3/21.
“Just last year we were announcing some funding for this same airport project, and now the final phase can be completed,” Congressman Bishop said.  The northern Utah lawmaker, whose district includes all of Weber County, added, “The completion of Phase 2 of the taxiway is good news for the County, for the airport, and for airport safety in general.”

Completing the new taxiway will increase safety at the airport by eliminating the need to back-taxi on the runway, a procedure requiring an aircraft to make a turn of 180 degrees at the end of a runway, utilizing it as a taxiway when no other option is available.

The overall grant amount of $2,111,240 represents a mix of entitlement and discretionary funds administered by the Airport Improvement Program and will be distributed by the Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration.  This amount is in addition to $2,560,687 awarded last year through this same process.


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