BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
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FAQs: Law Enforcement

Are deaths resulting from vehicle accidents considered to be arrest-related?
Sometimes. Vehicular accidents that are specifically related to arrest activities are within the sco...  Read More

Does an arrest warrant need to be issued before a death is considered to be arrest-related?
No. Deaths of arrest subjects were included in the collection regardless of whether an arrest warran...  Read More

What types of arrest-related deaths are recorded as accidental?
The term accidental injury is used to describe the sustainment of unintentional physical damage or h...  Read More

When are suicides included in the ARD program?
The term suicide is used to describe the intentional killing of oneself. A suicide is considered arr...  Read More

Are deaths resulting from any use of force by state or local law enforcement personnel included in the ARD program?
Yes. All deaths resulting from any use of force by law enforcement officers are included in the ARD...  Read More

Are deaths caused by civilians, during the process of arrest, included in the ARD program?
Yes. Arrest subjects whose death results from injuries sustained by non-law enforcement personnel a...  Read More

Does a person have to be in physical custody of law enforcement at the time of death to be reported to the Arrest-Related Deaths program?
No. Deaths were not excluded from the collection on the basis that physical custody had not been est...  Read More

How do I get paper copies of older reports that are not on your webpage?
We hope to develop methods for putting all of these reports on our webpage at a later date. Rig...  Read More

What is the most common reason for contact with the police?
More than half of the estimated 40 million residents who had contact with police in 2008 reported th...  Read More

What is the most common type of force used by police?
During 2008, about 574,000 persons age 16 or older had force used or threatened against them during ...  Read More

How many persons have contact with the police in a given year?
In 2008, an estimated 16.9% of U.S. residents age 16 or older had face-to-face contact with police. ...  Read More

What does a training program for state and local law enforcement officers consist of and how long does it last?
The 2006 BJS Census of Law Enforcement Training Academies found that training programs for basic rec...  Read More

How do the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) counts of law enforcement officers differ from the annual counts of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)?
BJS counts generated by the Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (CSLLEA) are mor...  Read More

What percentage of searches during a traffic stop uncover evidence of a possible crime?
During traffic stops in 2008, police found drugs, an illegal weapon, open containers of alcohol, or ...  Read More

Who is the largest employer of federal officers?
The largest employers of federal officers were U.S. customs and Border Protection (CBP) (27,705), Fe...  Read More

How many cars are operated by Sheriffs' offices nationwide?
According to the 2003 BJS Law Enforcement and Management Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey, s...  Read More

What type of duties do U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers perform?
CBP officers are tasked with stopping terrorists, terrorist weapons, illegal drugs, aliens, and mate...  Read More

On average, how many recruits graduate from their training program?
About 6 in 7 recruits completed their basic training program and graduated from the academy....  Read More

Which tribes have sworn law enforcement personnel and the source of authority?
see comment...  Read More

What is ICE?
ICE is an acronym for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE is the largest investigative arm...  Read More

How many local law enforcement agencies use off-land (marine or air) vehicles?
According to the 2003 BJS Law Enforcement and Management Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey, 5...  Read More

What is the average ratio of local police officers to residents?
According to the 2003 BJS Law Enforcement and Management Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey, m...  Read More

Who is more likely to come into contact with the police?
The percentage of males (18.5%) experiencing face-to-face contact with police was higher than the pe...  Read More

What are federal officers' major functions?
The largest number of federal officers performed criminal investigation and law enforcement duties (...  Read More

What is the difference between sworn and nonsworn officers?
Sworn officers have full arrest powers granted by a state or local government. Nonsworn officers do ...  Read More

How many complaints are there about police use of force every year? What are the outcomes of these complaints?
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics' (BJS) Law Enforcement Management and Administrative S...  Read More

Who is more likely to experience force used against them during contact with police?
Males (1.8%) were more likely than females (1.0%) to have force used or threatened against them duri...  Read More

Which types of less than lethal weapons are authorized for use by local police officers?
According to the 2003 BJS Law Enforcement and Management Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey, n...  Read More

How many sheriffs' departments use off-land (marine or air) vehicles?
According to the 2003 BJS Law Enforcement and Management Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey, 3...  Read More

How do the requirements for campus police officers compare with those for local police officers?
On average, local police officers were required to complete about 1,100 hours of training compared t...  Read More

What are the requirements for full-time instructors at training academies?
Slightly over two-thirds (68%) of training academies had a minimum experience requirement for full-t...  Read More

How many cars are operated by state and local law enforcement agencies nationwide?
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) Law Enforcement and Management Administrative St...  Read More

What percentage of local police departments have in-field computers? What kinds of information can patrol officers access with them?
According to the 2003 BJS Law Enforcement and Management Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey, t...  Read More

How many college campuses have sworn, armed police officers?
According to the 2004-05 BJS Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, 74% of colleges and universi...  Read More

What types of functions do campus law enforcement officers perform?
Campus law enforcement agencies performed functions related to special events security, dispatching ...  Read More

What percentage of stopped drivers consented to traffic-stop related searches when requested by officers?
Among the estimated 870,000 searches of the driver, vehicle, or both in 2008, about 187,000 were sea...  Read More

How many officers do these state and local law enforcement agencies employ?
According to the 2004 BJS Census of State and Local Enforcement Agencies, state and local agencies e...  Read More

What is the average ratio of Sheriffs' deputies to residents?
-...  Read More

What is LEMAS?
LEMAS stands for Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics. The LEMAS survey is condu...  Read More

What is NIBRS?
NIBRS stands for National Incident-Based Reporting System. Unlike the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting ...  Read More

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