Warrior Games Archive

  • Share Sports were always a part of John Edmonston’s life, and there was nothing serious injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident could do to change that. Despite a broken back, arm and face, as well as a traumatic brain injury...

    Warrior Games competitors make ‘something out of nothing’ through sports

    Share Sports were always a part of John Edmonston’s life, and there was nothing serious injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident could do to change that. Despite a broken back, arm and face, as well as a traumatic brain injury...

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  • Share Ask Billy Demby what the benefits of wheelchair basketball are and his answer is simple: everything. And he should know. A Vietnam veteran who lost both of his legs below the knee, Billy has been playing wheelchair basketball since...

    Wheelchair basketball helps wounded warriors feel pride of competition

    Share Ask Billy Demby what the benefits of wheelchair basketball are and his answer is simple: everything. And he should know. A Vietnam veteran who lost both of his legs below the knee, Billy has been playing wheelchair basketball since...

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  • Share While there have been challenges, Dr. Aaron Moffett says his experience coaching the Navy/Coast Guard swim team for the annual Warrior Games has been the highlight of his career. This week, Dr. Moffett reunited with the team in Colorado...

    Wounded warriors soak up lessons from Warrior Games coach

    Share While there have been challenges, Dr. Aaron Moffett says his experience coaching the Navy/Coast Guard swim team for the annual Warrior Games has been the highlight of his career. This week, Dr. Moffett reunited with the team in Colorado...

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