Speeches and Floor Statements

Van Hollen Statement in opposition to The FY 2013 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill (HR 5325)

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Washington, Jun 7, 2012 - Mr. Speaker,

At its best, the Energy and Water Appropriations bill sets forth a forward-looking agenda for our national investment in ports and waterways, clean energy development, environmental reclamation, scientific innovation, the responsible management of our nuclear weapons stockpile and our ongoing commitment to nuclear nonproliferation.  Unfortunately, in too many places, HR 5325 falls short of that forward-looking agenda.

As Ranking Member of the Budget Committee, I fully understand the need to cut federal spending.  Indeed, I supported last year’s Budget Control Act, which cut about $1 trillion in federal spending over the next ten years.   However, we also need to compete in clean energy, science, innovation and advanced manufacturing — and that is where this legislation misses the mark. 

For example, this legislation cuts funding for clean energy and energy efficiency by $374 million below FY 2012 and $886 million below the President’s request.   The budget for the Department of Energy’s Office of Science is cut $64 million below current levels and $167 million below the President’s request.  And the Advanced Research Projects Agency, or ARPA-E — which is doing transformational, potentially game-changing work on behalf of our nation’s long term energy security — is provided only $200 million, which is $75 million below FY 2012 and $150 million below the President’s request.

Additionally, the underlying bill contains a misguided policy rider blocking the Administration from restoring long-standing Clean Water Act protections for stream and wetlands across the country — and an amendment was adopted during floor debate which will block enforcement of common sense light bulb energy efficiency standards. 

Mr. Speaker, we can do better.   I urge a no vote and yield back the balance of my time.

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