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Meeting Scheduled on November 30 to Discuss Medical Errors and Patient Safety Research Agenda

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Press Release Date: November 6, 2000

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and its partners on the Quality Interagency Coordination (QuIC) Task Force will sponsor a meeting for representatives of health care provider organizations on November 30 in Chicago. The purpose of the meeting is to seek input on the key research questions that need to be answered to improve patient safety throughout the nation's health care system. The agenda for the meeting can be found on the QuIC Web site (

The November 30 meeting is a follow-up to the national summit on medical errors and patient safety research held in Washington, DC, on September 11. The draft research agenda developed as a result of the summit is intended to help guide the decisions of public- and private-sector organizations funding research in this area. It can also be found on the QuIC Web site.

Based on the presentations made at the September 11 summit, as well as the full written statements submitted by the witnesses and others, research objectives in the draft agenda are grouped according to those that are short-, medium-, or long-term projects. Overall, the agenda calls for research in the short term focused on learning more about how to implement what is already known about error reduction; research in the medium term that will help to sharpen current understanding of the scope of the problem, the types and causes of errors, and how to design effective reporting systems; and research in the long-term to address how the culture and organization of health care systems can be changed to facilitate safety.

Additional meetings with State and local policymakers and with consumer groups are being considered to gather additional feedback on the draft research agenda. In the interim, anyone wishing to comment on the agenda can do so using the instructions found in the document.

Editor's Note: As with the national summit on September 11, the meeting on November 30 will be open to the press. It will be held at the Holiday Inn O'Hare International Hotel, 5440 North River Road, Rosemont, IL. Members of the press can register by contacting Farah Englert, (301) 427-1865 (

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care