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AHRQ Names Senior Scholar in Residence on Domestic Violence

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Press Release Date: November 14, 2000

The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPF) today announced that Jeffery H. Coben, M.D., has been selected as AHRQ's Domestic Violence Senior Scholar-in-Residence. Dr. Coben will work with AHRQ's Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research on several projects that will provide scientific information on the cost, quality, outcomes, and effectiveness of domestic violence screening and interventions available to domestic violence victims in health care settings.

Dr. Coben is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Surgery at MCP Hahnemann School of Medicine, and Director of the Center for Violence and Injury Control at Allegheny-Singer Research Institute, Allegheny General Hospital. He is an established authority in the field of injury and violence, and has studied and published in peer-reviewed literature on the identification of domestic violence victims in medical settings, and on the effectiveness of treatment programs for both batterers and victims.

Dr. Coben received his B.S. from Springfield College in Springfield, MA, and earned his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Pittsburgh. He completed a Combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine Internship and Residency program at Northwestern University Medical Center. He has published almost 50 peer-reviewed research articles, numerous book chapters, as well as monographs and other publications. His appointment is effective through July 15, 2001.

"AHRQ looks forward to the contributions Dr. Coben has to offer the agency and the American people," says Dr. John Eisenberg, AHRQ's director. "With his invaluable knowledge and experience, AHRQ can continue its efforts to improve screening and treatment for victims of domestic violence."

For additional information, contact Salina Prasad, AHRQ Public Affairs, (301) 427-1864 ( For questions directed to the FVPF, please contact Debbie Lee, Director of Health at (415) 252-8900 (

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care