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Eagle Lake Volcanic Field

 Eagle Lake Volcanic Field
Cinder cones at Eagle Lake Volcanic Field.

Quick Facts

The Eagle Lake volcanic field occupies the junction of the Cascades, Sierra Nevada, and Basin and Range geologic provinces and consists of 15 cinder cones and basaltic lava flow vents within a larger Quaternary basaltic field. The vents are aligned along faults defining the Eagle Lake volcano-tectonic depression, and are the southernmost example of late Quaternary back-arc spreading in the northwestern Great Basin. The latest long-lived eruptive period has been roughly estimated to have occurred about 50,000-100,000 years before present (Grose, in Wood and Kienle 1990). Miller (1989) mapped four Holocene centers in the Eagle Lake volcanic field.
Location: California, Lassen County
Latitude: 40.63° N
Longitude: 120.83° W
Elevation: 1,652 (m) 5,420 (f)
Volcano type: cinder cones and lava flows
Composition: basalt
Most recent eruption: Holocene
Nearby towns: Susanville