Federal Aviation Administration

Qualified Internet Communications Provider (QICP)

The Qualified Internet Communication Provider (QICP) certification process was established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to allow weather vendors the ability to provide meteorological data via the public Internet. Established standards must be met in order for a weather vendor to receive QICP approval.

Advisory Circular 00-62, Internet Communications of Aviation Weather and NOTAMs, provides guidance on the certification process as well as outlines the expected standards that need to be maintained. A three step process is required: application submission; capability demonstration, and then final approval with the requirement to submit semi-annual system performance statistics.

Three standards must be met in order to receive QICP approval and status: network infrastructure reliability, accessissibility, and security. The FAA grants QICP approval based on system integrity and transmission of data (e.g. accuracy, timeliness) only, not the quality of a vendor's weather content and/or data.

For specific information regarding the content of the Advisory Circular, contact Mr. Steven Albersheim , Operations Planning - NAS Weather Policy and Requirements Group (AJP-B1), at 202-385-7185.

Please note the Warning Label suggestions in the Advisory Circular

Page Last Modified: 06/14/07 10:50 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/operations/qicp/