Rep Chip Cravaack
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Rep Chip Cravaack

Rep Chip Cravaack
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  1. Today we remember the tragedy of 9/11 and all those who lost their lives, their friends, and their loved ones. Today we reflect upon that fateful September morning 11 years ago, when the lives of all Americans changed forever. And today, we renew our vow to never forget.

    On that morning, radical terrorists attacked our country. It was an unparalleled act of evil intended to break our spirit, bu...
    t our spirit was too strong, and we responded. On that day, Americans faced an unspeakable tragedy, but we faced it as one nation—united. Undoubtedly, this day signifies the strength of our resolve, and the necessity of sustained vigilance. We are a grateful and benevolent nation that continues to pray for God’s guidance and protection, and in our hearts we shall never forget the memory of those we have lost on that painful day.
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  2. On June 5, 2012, President Barack Obama signed H.R. 3220 into law, legislation which renames the Pine City Post Office as the Master Sergeant Daniel L. Fedder Post Office Building in honor of his brave and distinguished service to his count...
    ry. The resolution was unanimously supported by the Minnesota Congressional Delegation. Master Sergeant Daniel Fedder died on Aug. 27, 2010 while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. He was a 16-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, with completed combat deployments to Iraq in 2004 and 2006 and an overseas deployment with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit in 2007. He was the recipient of many military awards, including the Purple Heart, two Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and a Joint Service Achievement Medal.
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    Photo: On June 5, 2012, President Barack Obama signed H.R. 3220 into law, legislation which renames the Pine City Post Office as the Master Sergeant Daniel L. Fedder Post Office Building in honor of his brave and distinguished service to his country.  The resolution was unanimously supported by the Minnesota Congressional Delegation.

Master Sergeant Daniel Fedder died on Aug. 27, 2010 while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.  He was a 16-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, with completed combat deployments to Iraq in 2004 and 2006 and an overseas deployment with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit in 2007. He was the recipient of many military awards, including the Purple Heart, two Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and a Joint Service Achievement Medal.
    Photo: On June 5, 2012, President Barack Obama signed H.R. 3220 into law, legislation which renames the Pine City Post Office as the Master Sergeant Daniel L. Fedder Post Office Building in honor of his brave and distinguished service to his country.  The resolution was unanimously supported by the Minnesota Congressional Delegation.

Master Sergeant Daniel Fedder died on Aug. 27, 2010 while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.  He was a 16-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, with completed combat deployments to Iraq in 2004 and 2006 and an overseas deployment with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit in 2007. He was the recipient of many military awards, including the Purple Heart, two Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and a Joint Service Achievement Medal.
    Photo: On June 5, 2012, President Barack Obama signed H.R. 3220 into law, legislation which renames the Pine City Post Office as the Master Sergeant Daniel L. Fedder Post Office Building in honor of his brave and distinguished service to his country.  The resolution was unanimously supported by the Minnesota Congressional Delegation.

Master Sergeant Daniel Fedder died on Aug. 27, 2010 while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.  He was a 16-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, with completed combat deployments to Iraq in 2004 and 2006 and an overseas deployment with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit in 2007. He was the recipient of many military awards, including the Purple Heart, two Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and a Joint Service Achievement Medal.
    Photo: On June 5, 2012, President Barack Obama signed H.R. 3220 into law, legislation which renames the Pine City Post Office as the Master Sergeant Daniel L. Fedder Post Office Building in honor of his brave and distinguished service to his country.  The resolution was unanimously supported by the Minnesota Congressional Delegation.

Master Sergeant Daniel Fedder died on Aug. 27, 2010 while supporting combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.  He was a 16-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, with completed combat deployments to Iraq in 2004 and 2006 and an overseas deployment with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit in 2007. He was the recipient of many military awards, including the Purple Heart, two Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medals, and a Joint Service Achievement Medal.
  3. Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure due to excessive regulation. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-dri...
    ven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth. These plants produce electricity for the Duluth area, and their closure would mean a rise in utility costs for homes and businesses.
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    Photo: Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure due to excessive regulation. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-driven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth.  These plants produce electricity for the Duluth area, and their closure would mean a rise in utility costs for homes and businesses.
    Photo: Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure due to excessive regulation. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-driven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth.  These plants produce electricity for the Duluth area, and their closure would mean a rise in utility costs for homes and businesses.
    Photo: Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure due to excessive regulation. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-driven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth.  These plants produce electricity for the Duluth area, and their closure would mean a rise in utility costs for homes and businesses.
    Photo: Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure due to excessive regulation. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-driven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth.  These plants produce electricity for the Duluth area, and their closure would mean a rise in utility costs for homes and businesses.
  4. What a privilege meeting Mr. Ted Parson, of Cook. Mr. Parson joined the Navy in 1949 to fight in Korea!
    Photo: What a privilege meeting Mr. Ted Parson, of Cook. Mr. Parson joined the Navy in 1949 to fight in Korea!
  5. The national debt has now topped $16 trillion. For the sake of our children, grandchildren, and future generations of Americans, it’s past time that both parties commit to addressing this threat head-on.
  6. Congratulations to Elecmetal workers, the Board of Directors, Elecmetal President Andy Fulton, Chairman Jaime Claro, Mayor Ness, and Chamber President Dave Ross on the new expansion to Elecmetal’s Duluth foundry!
    Photo: Congratulations to Elecmetal workers, the Board of Directors, Elecmetal President Andy Fulton, Chairman Jaime Claro, Mayor Ness, and Chamber President Dave Ross on the new expansion to Elecmetal’s Duluth foundry!
    Photo: Congratulations to Elecmetal workers, the Board of Directors, Elecmetal President Andy Fulton, Chairman Jaime Claro, Mayor Ness, and Chamber President Dave Ross on the new expansion to Elecmetal’s Duluth foundry!
    Photo: Congratulations to Elecmetal workers, the Board of Directors, Elecmetal President Andy Fulton, Chairman Jaime Claro, Mayor Ness, and Chamber President Dave Ross on the new expansion to Elecmetal’s Duluth foundry!
    Photo: Congratulations to Elecmetal workers, the Board of Directors, Elecmetal President Andy Fulton, Chairman Jaime Claro, Mayor Ness, and Chamber President Dave Ross on the new expansion to Elecmetal’s Duluth foundry!
  7. Area mayors, councilmen, and employers convened to address obstacles to 8th District industries and job creation, including the EPA’s proposed rules to impose excessive and unrealistic regulations on the Minnesota taconite and power generating industry.
    Photo: Area mayors, councilmen, and employers convened to address obstacles to 8th District industries and job creation, including the EPA’s proposed rules to impose excessive and unrealistic regulations on the Minnesota taconite and power generating industry.
    Photo: Area mayors, councilmen, and employers convened to address obstacles to 8th District industries and job creation, including the EPA’s proposed rules to impose excessive and unrealistic regulations on the Minnesota taconite and power generating industry.
    Photo: Area mayors, councilmen, and employers convened to address obstacles to 8th District industries and job creation, including the EPA’s proposed rules to impose excessive and unrealistic regulations on the Minnesota taconite and power generating industry.
    Photo: Area mayors, councilmen, and employers convened to address obstacles to 8th District industries and job creation, including the EPA’s proposed rules to impose excessive and unrealistic regulations on the Minnesota taconite and power generating industry.
  8. For all the parades, picnics, and outdoor events, it’s easy to lose sight of Labor Day’s true meaning. Ultimately, Labor Day represents our ability to work together, face our problems head on, and accomplish something great. We built this great Nation through the hard work of our people, after all. And with that in mind, I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful Labor Day.
  9. Jobs roundtable today with Hoyt Lakes, Aurora, and Biawabik mayors/councilmen, as well as local employers!
    Photo: Jobs roundtable today with Hoyt Lakes, Aurora, and Biawabik mayors/councilmen, as well as local employers!
  10. I visited Cook County to hand-deliver a copy of the bill that finally cleared the way for reconstruction of a portion of County Road 8 (Devil Track Road) to Cook County Engineer David Betts.
    Photo: I visited Cook County to hand-deliver a copy of the bill that finally cleared the way for reconstruction of a portion of County Road 8 (Devil Track Road) to Cook County Engineer David Betts.
    Photo: I visited Cook County to hand-deliver a copy of the bill that finally cleared the way for reconstruction of a portion of County Road 8 (Devil Track Road) to Cook County Engineer David Betts.
    Photo: I visited Cook County to hand-deliver a copy of the bill that finally cleared the way for reconstruction of a portion of County Road 8 (Devil Track Road) to Cook County Engineer David Betts.
    Photo: I visited Cook County to hand-deliver a copy of the bill that finally cleared the way for reconstruction of a portion of County Road 8 (Devil Track Road) to Cook County Engineer David Betts.
  11. Overregulation threatens our economic viability. Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-driven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth. Now is not the time to pick winners and losers.
    Photo: Overregulation threatens our economic viability. Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-driven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth. Now is not the time to pick winners and losers.
    Photo: Overregulation threatens our economic viability. Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-driven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth. Now is not the time to pick winners and losers.
    Photo: Overregulation threatens our economic viability. Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-driven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth. Now is not the time to pick winners and losers.
    Photo: Overregulation threatens our economic viability. Recently, we learned that two power plants in Hoyt Lakes and Taconite Harbor are threatened with closure. Never mind these two operations employ eighty Eighth District workers, this is the kind of ideological-driven limitation on commerce that hurts our economic growth. Now is not the time to pick winners and losers.
  12. With the deepest respect for what our men and women in uniform stand for, it is right that we recognize them, thank them, and honor them. The awe-inspiring representation of gratitude to Iron Range veterans - past and present - would not be possible without the commitment of Tom Berrigan and the Iron Range Veterans Memorial Committee.
    Photo: With the deepest respect for what our men and women in uniform stand for, it is right that we recognize them, thank them, and honor them. The awe-inspiring representation of gratitude to Iron Range veterans - past and present - would not be possible without the commitment of Tom Berrigan and the Iron Range Veterans Memorial Committee.
    Photo: With the deepest respect for what our men and women in uniform stand for, it is right that we recognize them, thank them, and honor them. The awe-inspiring representation of gratitude to Iron Range veterans - past and present - would not be possible without the commitment of Tom Berrigan and the Iron Range Veterans Memorial Committee.
    Photo: With the deepest respect for what our men and women in uniform stand for, it is right that we recognize them, thank them, and honor them. The awe-inspiring representation of gratitude to Iron Range veterans - past and present - would not be possible without the commitment of Tom Berrigan and the Iron Range Veterans Memorial Committee.
    Photo: With the deepest respect for what our men and women in uniform stand for, it is right that we recognize them, thank them, and honor them. The awe-inspiring representation of gratitude to Iron Range veterans - past and present - would not be possible without the commitment of Tom Berrigan and the Iron Range Veterans Memorial Committee.
  13. One of my personal heroes died today. Mr. Armstrong, the first man on the moon, will forever be remembered.
  14. Congratulations to Cass, Crow Wing, Hubbard, and Beltrami counties for award winning "County Agricultural Exhibits” at the Minnesota State Fair!

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