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U.S. International Services

What are they?

U.S. international services include cross-border trade in services—that is, exports and imports in the conventional sense—as well as services supplied to international markets through the channel of direct investment by affiliates of multinational companies.

Where can I get the data and what’s new?

Detailed annual statistics for cross-border trade from 1986 to 2010 and for services supplied through affiliates from 1986 to 2009 can be obtained from tables on this page. (Less-detailed statistics for cross-border trade are available quarterly in the international transactions accounts and monthly in a news release for international trade in goods and services.)

Majority-owned foreign affiliates
Majority-owned U.S. affiliates
Multinational companies
Ultimate beneficial owner

Latest changes in the statistics:

  • Updated in October 2011 in conjunction with the publication of “U.S. International Services: Cross-Border Trade in 2010 and Services Supplied Through Affiliates in 2009.” This annual article is the most detailed description and analysis of U.S. international services provided by BEA.
  • Cross-border transactions are revised for 1999-2009, and services supplied through affiliates are revised for 2008.
  • Note: There is a discontinuity between 2003 and 2004 for services supplied through affiliates. Beginning in 2004, the measure of services supplied includes the services of bank affiliates, the distributive services of wholesalers and retailers, and an improved measure of the services supplied by insurers. For more information, see the "Revisions and Improvements" section in Koncz-Bruner and Flatness, Survey of Current Business 89 (October 2009): 37).

Summary statistics

Title and years available (xls files)

Services supplied to foreign and U.S. markets through Cross-Border Trade and Through Affiliates


Change from preceding year in Cross-Border Services


Cross-border services exports and imports by type and country


Travel and Passenger Fare Receipts and Payments


Other Transportation Receipts and Payments


Royalties and License Fees Receipts and Payments


Other Private Services Receipts


Other Private Services Payments


Services Supplied to Foreign Persons by U.S. MNCs Through Their Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates by Industry


Services Supplied to Foreign Persons by U.S. MNCs Through Their Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates by Country of the Affiliate


Services Supplied to U.S. Persons by Foreign MNCs Through Their Majority-Owned U.S. Affiliates by Industry


Services Supplied to U.S. Persons by Foreign MNCs Through Their Majority-Owned U.S. Affiliates by Country of UBO

Detailed statistics for cross-border trade

Title and years available (xls files)

Trade in services

Supplemental information:

  • 1992-2010 (Additional detail by affiliation)

Private services trade by area and country


Travel, passenger fares, and other transportation


Royalties and license fees

  • 2006-2010 (Statistics by type and country reflect total trade)
  • 1986-2005 (Statistics by type and country are unaffiliated only)

Other private services

  • 2006-2010 (Statistics by type and country reflect total trade)
  • 1992-2005 (Statistics by country are unaffiliated only)
  • 1992-2005 Total other private services by country (affiliated detail available for 1992-1998)
  • 1986-1991 (Statistics by type are unaffiliated only)

Supplemental information:

    Additional detail on financial services transactions




Business, professional, and technical services

  • 2006-2010 (Statistics by country reflect total trade)
  • 2001-2005 (Statistics by country are unaffiliated only)
  • 1986-2000 (Statistics by country are unaffiliated only)

Detailed statistics for services supplied through affiliates

Title and years available (xls files)

Services supplied to foreign persons by U.S. MNCs through their MOFAs and to U.S. persons by foreign MNCs through their MOUSAs, by country

  • 2004-2009 Services supplied to foreign persons by U.S. MNCs through their MOFAs and to U.S. persons by foreign MNCs through their MOUSAs, by country
  • 2002-2003 Supplemental detail for services supplied to U.S. persons by foreign MNCs through their MOUSAs, by major area
  • 1989-2003 Sales of services to foreign persons by U.S. MNCs through their nonbank MOFAs and to U.S. persons by foreign MNCs through their nonbank MOUSAs, by country

Services supplied to foreign persons by U.S. MNCs through their MOFAs

  • 2006-2009 NAICS-based industry of affiliate by country of affiliate
  • 2004-2005 Supplemental detail for services supplied to foreign persons by U.S. MNCs through their MOFAs, by major NAICS-based industry sector of affiliate
  • 1999-2005 NAICS-based industry of affiliate by country of affiliate
  • 1989-1998 SIC-based industry of affiliate by country of affiliate

Services supplied to U.S. persons by foreign MNCs through their MOUSAs

  • 2006-2009 NAICS-based industry of affiliate by country of UBO
  • 2002-2005 Supplemental detail for services supplied to U.S. persons by foreign MNCs through their MOUSAs, by major NAICS-based industry sector of affiliate
  • 1997-2005 NAICS-based industry of affiliate by country of UBO
  • 1989-1996 SIC-based industry of affiliate by country of UBO

Supplemental information:

    Services supplied worldwide by U.S. MNCs through their MOFAs and by foreign MNCs through their MOUSAs
    Effects of the new measures of insurance, wholesale and trade, and banks’ services on services provided by MOFAs and MOUSAs