Congressman Jared Polis
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Congressman Jared Polis

Congressman Jared Polis
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman Jared PolisSee All
    • Tom Hester
      Please vote against the "Continuing resolution" which funds the UNWANTED OBAMACARE program.
      10 hours ago
    • Congressman, Please do not let another dollar of U.S. taxpayer money go to Egypt, Libya, or Pakistan.
      11 hours ago
    • This is approved by President Obama and the Democratic Party. by Robert Black on Thursday, September 13, 2012 at 3:11am · The President of the United States and ever elected Democrat approved the following procedure. If you cast your vote for one democrat then you too have put your stamp of approval on the following: A. Insert forceps into womb of a pregnant woman and pull the baby feet into the birth canal. Reach in the womb and grasp the one foot of the baby. Then the second foot and pull the baby out until the legs and buttock are exposed. This baby is now in the breach position. B. Rotate the child until the child is face down in the womb. Support the baby body with left hand. C. Continue to pull the baby until all of the child body is exposed. At this point the hands legs and feet are moving. The head is still in the womb. D Using the right hand follow the spine and insert scissors into the skull of the baby. Open the scissors to widen the hole. E. Insert a tube into the skull of the child. Connect to a vacuum pump and suck out the brain. F. After the brain has been sucked out collapse the head and remove the child. H. Take child and toss it into a waste container. Not a pretty picture. How can any human vote for a person that supports this procedure. The is equivalent to the death camps ran by the Germans. Our death camps are set up and operated by members of the Socialist Democratic Party. One vote for one democrats makes you complicit in the operations of these butcher shops. A graphic video on this procedure can be found on youtube. Dr.Lile PBAPartial Birth Abortion. Please watch this video. I did not give the link due to the fact that I will be posting this on sites that do not allow links.
      12 hours ago
    •  Being dragged through the streets and murdered (photo link) like Muammar al-Gaddafi by the same "peaceful protestors" that Congressman Jared Polis, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, ABC News, NBC News, Fox News, CNN News, CBS News, FRANCE 24 English, BBC World News and CBC News supported. What goes around really does come back around. Enjoy! Link:!/photo.php?fbid=281537378628296&set=a.110127495769286.13480.110113882437314&type=1&theater
      12 hours ago
    • What is the Congressman's position on Muslim radicals murdering our US Ambassador in Benghazi? Statement please...
      4 · 17 hours ago
  2. On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we must remember those tragically lost, comfort their loves ones, and honor those who rushed toward the danger to save lives.
  3. LikesSee All
  4. I’m currently crisscrossing the 2nd Congressional District holding town halls and other events so I can hear your great ideas about creating jobs, listen to your concerns, and answer any questions you may have about my work on your behalf in Congress and Colorado. Check our events calendar here on Facebook and on my web site - - for details and be sure to RSVP so we have room enough for everyone.
  5. A partir de hoy, los SOÑADORes podrían solicitar la acción diferida por medio de los Servicios de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de E.U.A. (U.S. Citizenship and Inmigration Services). Usted podría ser elegible para participar en una de las sesion...
    es de registro, que se llevarán a cabo en todo el estado de Colorado, donde podrá tratar su caso con algún abogado competente, a un costo mínimo o ninguno. Si tiene alguna pregunta, requiere mayor información o asistencia, sírvase llamar a nuestra oficina en Boulder, al Tel. (303) 484-9596. Tenga precaución con personas que se dicen ser calificadas para asistirle, y le pidan dinero para solicitarle la acción diferida. Sólo acepte asistencia de un abogado titulado y competente en el tema de inmigración. Este es un magnifico día para los SOÑADORes y para cualquier persona interesada en reformar nuestro quebrantado sistema de inmigración.
    See More
    Photo: A partir de hoy, los SOÑADORes podrían solicitar la acción diferida por medio de los Servicios de Inmigración y Ciudadanía de E.U.A. (U.S. Citizenship and Inmigration Services). Usted podría ser elegible para participar en una de las sesiones de registro, que se llevarán a cabo en todo el estado de Colorado, donde podrá tratar su caso con algún abogado competente, a un costo mínimo o ninguno. Si tiene alguna pregunta, requiere mayor información o asistencia, sírvase llamar a nuestra oficina en Boulder, al Tel. (303) 484-9596. Tenga precaución con personas que se dicen ser calificadas para asistirle, y le pidan dinero para solicitarle la acción diferida. Sólo acepte asistencia de un abogado titulado y competente en el tema de inmigración. Este es un magnifico día para los SOÑADORes y para cualquier persona interesada en reformar nuestro quebrantado sistema de inmigración.
  6. Starting today, DREAMers may apply for deferred action with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. You may be eligible to participate in one of a number of registration drives held throughout the state where you can meet with a qual...
    ified attorney to discuss their case at little to no cost. If you have questions or need more information, please call our Boulder office at (303) 484-9596 if you need help. And be wary of anyone claiming that they can assist you in applying and who is asking for payment unless they are a licensed immigration attorney. This is a great day for DREAMers and anyone interested in reforming our broken immigration system.
    See More
    Photo: Starting today, DREAMers may apply for deferred action with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. You may be eligible to participate in one of a number of registration drives held throughout the state where you can meet with a qualified attorney to discuss their case at little to no cost. If you have questions or need more information, please call our Boulder office at (303) 484-9596 if you need help. And be wary of anyone claiming that they can assist you in applying and who is asking for payment unless they are a licensed immigration attorney. This is a great day for DREAMers and anyone interested in reforming our broken immigration system.

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