Blanchfield Army Community Hospital #1 in Health Care
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Blanchfield Army Community Hospital Same Day Surgery

Blanchfield Army Community HospitalSame-Day Surgery
Point of Contact:  (270) 798-8053
NCOIC:  (270) 956-0183

Hours of Operation:

6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday - Friday except on Federal Holidays.  All procedures are scheduled through the Specialty Clinics.  You must be evaluated by the appropriate clinic prior to being scheduled for surgery.


We are located behind the Intensive Care Unit.   Enter through the east entrance near the Primary Care Clinics.   Go straight down the hallway until you pass through a set of double-doors.   Turn right and go to the end of the hallway.  We will be on your left.


The day prior to your surgery or procedure, call between 1400 (2:00 p.m.) - 1700 (5:00 p.m.)
prior to your time of arrival (270)798-8143.  If your surgery is on a Monday you will need to call the Friday before.  Please read the instruction sheet you receive in the Pre-Admission Unit and follow all directions.

1. The night before your procedure do not eat or drink ANYTHING after midnight.  Children will receive special instructions from the pre-admissions staff. Additionally, do not smoke or drink any alcoholic beverages. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS MAY RESULT IN THE CANCELLATION OF YOUR PROCEDURE.  YOU ALSO RUN THE RISK OF GETTING VERY ILL.

2. Children are not allowed, unless the child is a patient.

3. Due to limited space in our rooms, only ONE visitor is allowed at any time unless the patient is a child, then both parents may be present based upon space.

4. Appointment times are ready at 1400 hrs (2:00 p.m.) the day prior to your scheduled surgery. We encourage you to begin calling at 1400 hrs (2:00 p.m.).

5. Your time of arrival is not your time of surgery.  Our goal is to get your procedure done in a timely manner.   Delays do occur over which we have no control. We will do our best to keep you informed.

6. Please arrive on time and wear comfortable clothing.

7. It is important that you have an escort to drive you home when you are discharged from Same Day Surgery.  You will not be allowed to drive yourself home.


The Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) is where you wake up after your surgery.  We take great pride in caring for you.  When your surgery is finished the PACU is where your physician and the anesthesia provider bring you for your first phase of recovery.

Things to expect in the Recovery Room:

1.  It is anticipated that you may have some pain, nausea/vomiting during your recovery from anesthesia. Be aware that you have a dedicated, skillful and caring staff to help you through these discomforts.

2.  We will place EKG leads on you and attach the leads to a monitor so we can monitor your heart rate while you are in the recovery room.  We may need to attach you to other machines in order to maintain your health and keep you comfortable.

3.  We will ask you to take deep breaths and cough.  This is to assist you to a quicker recovery

4.  Since the recovery room is usually a bit cool, we will cover you with warm blankets to keep you comfortable.

5. The recovery room is not a place where visitors are routinely allowed.  However, as situations dictate, we will allow one visitor at a time for a very short period.

6. We are committed to your care and will make every effort to keep you and your loved ones informed about care.