Blanchfield Army Community Hospital #1 in Health Care
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Blanchfield Army Community Hospital Dermatology

Blanchfield Army Community HospitalDermatology

Point of Contact: 270-798-8345
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Location: Blanchfield Army Community Hospital C Building 3rd Floor

**Extended Dermatology Referral Guidlines**

Links to dermatology websites

We see referred patients for a variety of skin rashes, benign and malignant growths, moles, pigmentary abnormalities, cutaneous infections/infestations and disorders or the hair and nails. We offer surgical, laser and light treatments.

On a daily basis we see common inflammatory dermatoses such as atopic dermatitis (eczema), psoriasis, and acute dermatitis such as allergic contact dermatitis. We offer narrow-band ultraviolet light treatments for the treatment of inflammatory dermatitis such as eczema, psoriasis and vitiligo.

The diagnosis of certain inflammatory skin conditions may require a biopsy which is performed in the office. Interpretation of the slides is performed by the dermatologist and peer-reviewed by a pathologist. We have an advice nurse that may be able to assist you with questions regarding your treatment, medication refills, biopsy and laboratory results. If a biopsy or excision was performed, please allow up to 2 weeks for biopsy results. Occasionally our pathologists send biopsies to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) in Washington, DC for quality control. If this occurs, diagnoses may be delayed 4-6 weeks.

Evaluation and treatment of skin cancers is a big part of a general dermatology practice. We confirm the diagnosis with a biopsy. Management of non-facial skin cancers is done on site with surgical excisions or other destructive procedures. Liquid nitrogen is utilized for the treatment of malignancies, pre-cancers and a variety of viral infections to include molluscum and verrucae. Cutaneous surgery is performed for the removal of benign cysts, lipomas, nevi, keloids, and skin cancers.

A Nd:YAG laser for the removal of hair is used for the treatment of pseudofollicularis barbae and hirsuitism.

A limited number of “cosmetic” procedures have been performed to include superficial and medium depth chemical peeling and botox injections.

A pulsed dye Vbeam laser is used to treat vascular lesions such as hemangiomas, verrucae, the erythrotelangiectatic form of rosacea, and for the treatment of photoaging.

We are not equipped to perform Mohs micrographic surgery for facial skin cancers, and patients requiring this service are referred to Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

If a medication is ordered, please allow up to 45 minutes from the time you leave the clinic for the medication to be ready as we are using the new computer system which takes more time than previously. As a courtesy, please turn off cell phones while in the examination rooms.

Dermatology web sites: (American Academy of Dermatology; sun safety, skin cancer, public information) (Site with links to conditions) (Great general Dermatology Topics) (Tutorial on pigmented lesion examination) (website for hair disorders)