Ames Lab Directory

All addresses listed below are located in Ames, Iowa with a 50011-3020 zip code
All phone numbers are area code 515.

To contact a specific Ames Laboratory researcher or staff member, please refer to our 'Find People' page, the Iowa State University telephone/e-mail directory, call Campus Information at 294-4111, or dial "0" from a campus phone

Administrative Services
Office Address Phone number
Accounting 224 TASF 294-6320
Budget 231 TASF 294-7030
Custodial Services 241C Metals Development 294-4360
Director's Office 311 TASF 294-2770
Documents and Records 151 TASF 294-9972
Engineering Services 158 Metals Development 294-3757

Environment, Safety, Health & Assurance

G40 TASF 294-2153
Export Control 311 TASF 294-1048
Facilities Services 158 Metals Development 294-3756
Graphics 132 TASF 294-9305
Human Resources 105 TASF 294-2680
Information Systems 334 TASF 294-8348
Machine Shop 160 Metals Development 294-5428
Materials Handling 153 Spedding 294-6083
Media Relations 111 TASF 294-1405
Occupational Medicine G11 TASF 294-2056
Office of Intellectual Property 311 TASF 294-1048
Plant Protection (Guard Desk) G34 TASF 294-3483
Public Affairs 111 TASF 294-9557
Purchasing and Property 211 TASF 294-1780
Safeguards and Security G40 TASF 294-2153
Storeroom 160 Spedding 294-6082
Technical Information 332 TASF 294-5932
Training 151 TASF 294-9972
Travel Office 211 TASF 294-4488
Website Information 111 TASF 294-1405
Warehouse Kooser Drive 294-2916
Science and Technology Divisions and Programs
Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences 201 Spedding 294-0452
Division of Chemical and Biological Sciences 142 Spedding 294-7568
Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering 126 Metals Development 294-4446
Environmental & Protection Sciences 130 Spedding 294-2069
Materials Preparation Center 126 Metals Development 294-5236
Simulation, Modeling and Decision Science 3030 Black Engr 294-3891

Ames Laboratory Shipping Address :

Ames Lab - USDOE Warehouse
ISU Campus, Kooser Drive
Ames, IA 50011-3020
(515) 294-2916

Office of Inspector General Hotline :  1-800-541-1625