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A E S Direct Support Center

AESDirect User Interface Changes with TO4
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Changes on Main Menu

  • Under the "Shipments" section, you will now find the following links:
    • Create New Shipment
    • Shipment Manager
    • Retrieve Shipment
    • Delete Shipment
  • The "AESDirect Archive Service" section has been removed. You can locate all your shipments through the Shipment Manager.
  • Under the "EDI" section, the "Shipment Reporting Center" link has been removed. This section is only visible if you are authorized to upload EDI.

Changes on the Create New Shipment page

  • Once you click on "Create New Shipment", you will also find that the Options Menu on the left side has changed. The new links shown are:
    • Shipment Manager
    • Retrieve Shipment
    • Delete Shipment
  • The "Archive" heading and links to old archive retrieve page and reporting center have been removed.

Changes under the Shipment Information section

  • The field for "Vessel Flag" has been removed.
  • All lookup results are sorted alphabetically by description

Changes under the Add Commodity Line section

  • The field for "Marks and Numbers" has been removed. Searches conducted will only search for Schedule B numbers.
  • If you submit a shipment with a USPPI ID that is different from the EIN registered for that account, you will now see a pop-up message confirming that you are filing on the behalf of a party other than yourself. Example of new pop-up:

      During the registration process, this account was registered to file EEI as a USPPI (U.S. exporter, seller, manufacturer, or order party). However, the USPPI ID entered for this shipment does not match the ID used during Registration. You have entered:


      This mismatch suggests that you are filing the information on behalf of another USPPI. Please verify that you have entered the correct USPPI information for the shipment. If correct, click "OK" to proceed. The company name and address used to register will automatically be added to the Freight Forwarder section of this EEI.

      If this is not correct, click "Cancel" to return to the USPPI section and enter the correct USPPI ID information.

Changes to the Shipment Manager

  • The field for "Marks and Numbers" has been removed.
  • A tab to "Delete a Shipment" has been added. You will only be allowed to delete (cancel) a shipment that has been previously accepted in AES.
  • A tab to "Edit Shipment" has also been added. If you enter the Shipment Manager from the Create New Shipment page you will notice a tab to "Edit Shipment". This tab allows you to return to the shipment you were previously editing.

      Please note: If a previously opened shipment is present, retrieving a new shipment will overwrite the previously opened shipment. Switching to the "Main Menu" will also overwrite any previously opened shipments (as the Main Menu and Shipment Editor exist in the same hidden part of the screen). In this case, you will be presented with a confirmation dialog to confirm that you will lose any unsaved changes to the EEI that is open.

U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Logo U.S. Department of Commerce

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