
Lamborn Reaction to Resignation of NPR's Vivian Schiller

"This latest development in what appears to be an internal meltdown at National Public Radio only strengthens my resolve to eliminate all federal funding for NPR and its parent organization, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. 

“I have been seeking to push Big Bird out of the nest for over a year, based on the simple fact that we can no longer afford to spend taxpayer dollars on non-essential government programs. It’s time for Big Bird to earn his wings and learn to fly on his own.”– Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Note: Congressman Lamborn is leading the effort in the House to eliminate all federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, NPR's parent organization. He has introduced legislation in both the 111th and 112th Congresses. Currently in the House, he is sponsoring H.R. 68, a bill aimed at eliminating all federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting beginning in 2013, and  H.R. 69, a bill more narrowly aimed at restricting federal funds for National Public Radio.

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