Congressman Robert Hurt
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman Robert HurtSee All
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  3. THE PRESERVING RURAL RESOURCES ACT: REDUCING REGULATORY BURDENS ON OUR FAMILY FARMERS: Part of helping Central and Southside Virginians succeed is removing the federal government as a roadblock to job creation so our farmers and small busin...
    esses can hire and grow. That is why Robert introduced the Preserving Rural Resources Act. Watch 5th District farmers tell their stories about how government over-regulation has negatively impacted them and learn more about his bill here:
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  4. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens and those other brave Americans whose lives were taken yesterday while serving our country in Benghazi, Libya. This hateful attack on innocent lives was uncalled for and we condemn these unprovoked attacks as an affront to our peaceful democracy and our American way of life.
  5. The deadline for 5th District Virginians to request nominations to U.S. Military Academies is October 1st - help us spread the word:
  6. REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: As we remember that day and honor those lost, we hope that Americans across this country will put aside differences and join together, united and steadfast in a shared commitment to preserving and protecting our freedoms, ideals, and our American opportunities and freedoms from those who seek to do us harm.
  7. REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: On this day, let us all salute our veterans and our servicemen and women both at home and abroad, as we pay tribute to the thousands of brave American soldiers who have answered the call of duty and have gone...
    to the defense of our nation across the world – those who selflessly serve so that our freedoms are protected. The tremendous sacrifices by both those on September 11th, 2001 and by those who continue to serve this great nation are the reason that Americans across this country continue to live in peace and in freedom.
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    Photo: REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: On this day, let us all salute our veterans and our servicemen and women both at home and abroad, as we pay tribute to the thousands of brave American soldiers who have answered the call of duty and have gone to the defense of our nation across the world – those who selflessly serve so that our freedoms are protected. The tremendous sacrifices by both those on September 11th, 2001 and by those who continue to serve this great nation are the reason that Americans across this country continue to live in peace and in freedom.
  8. REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: As we join with our fellow Virginians and Americans this week, we solemnly remember the tragic events that took place now eleven years ago on September 11th, 2001 and those innocent Americans and heroes whose lives were needlessly lost. We will never forget those who are no longer with us as a result of that day; those who lost their lives in New York City’s twin towers, in a Pennsylvania field, and in Virginia, just south of our nation’s capital. And we will always remember the heroic actions of the first responders and all of those who bravely and selflessly sacrificed to help those in need.
  9. Do you receive Robert’s Round-Up? Sign up here by 1pm to receive this week’s exclusive update:
  10. The unimaginable images of horror live on in our memories – images of the horrific attack on our home soil, which threatened our American way of life. But as we remember the tragic attacks on September 11th, 2001, we are also reminded that ...
    the resilience of the American people lives on, unshaken by those senseless act of terror. America may have been changed forever on that horrific day eleven years ago, but Americans across the 5th District and across this country remain the same; we remain a people committed to our democracy and to the freedoms afforded by it.
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  11. Robert received the RetireSafe Standing Up For America’s Seniors Award for his leadership in Congress on behalf of our seniors in the 5th District and across the country. Read more here:
  12. September Local Office Hours: Our staff will be in Greene and Cumberland counties on Friday, September 14th, to meet with constituents who need assistance with federal agencies. Learn more here:
  13. ICYMI: Danville Register & Bee: Hurt presents American flag to Calvin Neal family:
  14. Share if you think Washington has a spending problem.
    Photo: Share if you think Washington has a spending problem.
  15. The United States National Debt is at $16 trillion and counting. We must put an end to Washington’s reckless spending spree:
  16. BREAKING NEWS: The United States national debt has topped $16 trillion. With over 5 trillion dollars of debt added over the last three and a half years, it is due time that the Senate and the President join with the House to stop the spending binge and address our impending debt crisis. “Like” this post if you think we need to stop the wasteful spending.
  17. Robert's Round-Up: Another Grim Labor Day: In this week’s column, Robert discusses how this Labor Day is just as grim as the last for Virginia’s 5th District. Many are still out of work and wondering when we will see the jobs that were prom...
    ised nearly four years ago. Read about how the House has lead on this issue, adopting commonsense policies that will get our small business owners back on their feet and get people across the 5th District and this country back to work:
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  18. September Local Office Hours: Our staff will be in Lunenburg, Campbell, and Halifax counties on Friday, September 14th, to meet with constituents who need assistance with federal agencies. Learn more here:
  19. Robert’s Round-Up: We Must Put An End To Four Straight Years Of Trillion Dollar Deficits: In this week’s column, Robert discuses how the House of Representatives has addressed the critical need to stop the reckless spending spree in Washington so that we may preserve the future of this great nation. Read more here:
  20. Do you receive our exclusive weekly updates? You can sign up here:
  21. Across the 5th District, we regularly hear that uncertainty caused by Washington is harming our small businesses and costing our local communities much-needed jobs. The House has acted to address these concerns and to restore economic certa...
    inty by keeping our taxes low, reducing onerous regulatory burdens, repealing and replacing the government takeover of health care, adopting a sensible energy policy, and restoring fiscal sanity in Washington. Read more here about how Washington’s failed policies are harming job creation in our local communities:
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