Letters to the Editor

  • Bachmann: St. Cloud visit was a pleasure
    Mar 17, 2012  - On March 3, I had the distinct pleasure of having coffee with a number of constituents in St. Cloud. I extend my sincere thanks to them for giving up part of their Saturday to share stories, concerns and comments. As representative of the 6th District, hearing constituents’ perspectives on the dire... More
  • Signers of the Declaration of Health Care Independence
    Feb 23, 2010  - The following Members of the House of Representatives have signed the Declaration of Health Care Independence (as of February 23, 2010): W. Todd Akin, MO – 01 Steve Austria, OH – 07 Michele Bachmann, MN – 06 Spencer Bachus, AL – 06 J. Gresham Barrett, SC – 03 Roscoe G. Bartlett, MD – 06 Joe Barton, ... More
  • Letter to the Editor: Congresswoman supports clinic in Sixth District
    Oct 2, 2009  - Dear Editor Health care is the hot topic for all Minnesotans right now, but for years, local veterans have had health care on their minds. Specifically, they have been waiting for a long-overdue health care clinic that will give them access to convenient services without having to go to the VA medic... More
  • Woodbury Bulletin: Thank you to the patriots
    Jul 28, 2009  - This weekend, I was honored to attend the funeral of a fallen hero from Woodbury. The outpouring of support from the community was moving, and I’m sure it was a great comfort to the loved ones left behind. I want to thank everyone who lined the streets of Radio Drive and Valley Creek Road, the Patri... More
  • Sack Cartoon on Israel: Change Must Begin with the Palestinians (Star Tribune)
    Jun 15, 2009  - I want to express my disappointment in Steve Sack's June 11 editorial cartoon in which a dove carrying an olive branch is pinned under the picket sign that says, "Coming Soon on This Site: More Israeli Settlements." The implication is that Israel is responsible for stopping the peace process by fail... More
  • Letter: Bachmann stops raid on U.S. currency
    Apr 10, 2009  - As we march through April, the U.S. marketplace is front-page news. The Indians called it wampum; the Jews shekels; the Mexicans, dinero. Americans say “big bucks.” It’s slang, but it’s all in the bank. Thank you Rep. Michele Bachmann for asking a Cabinet secretary to get his hands out of the cookie... More
  • Viewpoint: It’s time to put ‘power-hungry’ EFCA to bed
    Apr 8, 2009  - Must we sacrifice our individual rights in order to please or pit one group over another? It’s imperative we seek fairness, balance and the protection of workers’ individual rights for the goodness of our workplace, community and national republic. I fear for the employee who is left in the crossfir... More
  • Letter: Bachmann tells it as she sees it
    Apr 3, 2009  - Reference is made to your article on the editorial page concerning Michele Bachmann not being bipartisan ("Bachmanalia," March 27). Michele tells them the way she sees them and is not forced into bipartisan actions when it doesn't make sense. She is not overwhelmed by the hysteria that has been cre... More
  • Letter: Washington must cut, just as America has
    Mar 2, 2009  - As you struggle to make you car or mortgage payments and watch your retirement and college savings dwindle, Congress shouldn't be spending your money to pad our own paychecks or fund our own pet projects. That's why I voted Wednesday to stop members of Congress — including myself — from receiving a ... More
  • Letter: Bachmann voted ‘no’ and stayed on our side
    Oct 16, 2008  - Congress didn’t just stick the American people with a $700 billion bill to bail out Wall Street. It stuck us with an $810 billion bill. As if the bailout bill wasn’t bad enough: Wall Street executives have played fast and loose with their investors’ money for years. They make risky loans and transa... More