
  • Bachmann Releases Statement on Latest Unemployment Numbers
    Oct 5, 2012  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released the following statement regarding the latest unemployment numbers reported today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “The unemployment rate is not just a number; it is real people with real stories. Every new job is welcome, but 7.8 percent after 4... More
  • Bachmann Congratulates Pawlenty on Joining Financial Services Roundtable
    Sep 20, 2012  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released the following statement today congratulating Governor Tim Pawlenty on becoming the new CEO of the Financial Services Roundtable. “Governor Pawlenty is an intelligent, dedicated and strong leader. The Financial Services Roundtable could not have picked ... More
  • Sartell Newsleaders: Sartell will attract new businesses
    Aug 10, 2012  - by Rep. Michele Bachmann The Verso Paper Mill has been a fixture in Sartell for more than one 100 years. Chances are you know somebody who worked there – a grandparent, a parent, a sibling or a friend. When the plant closed last week, it was heartbreaking for the entire community. Ever since the tra... More
  • ICYMI: Our Government and the Muslim Brotherhood by Andy McCarthy
    Aug 10, 2012  - By Andrew C. McCarthy ... Still, it is Congress’s responsibility to scrutinize executive branch policy, especially when the policy choices endanger the nation. Let’s consider just some of those policy choices in the last three-and-a-half years. Since 2009, the Obama administration has abandoned the ... More
  • Star Tribune: Michele Bachmann: Washington Sleeps
    Aug 1, 2012  - By Michele Bachmann I am immensely aware how vitally important it is to restore confidence in our economy and create quality jobs for Minnesotans. It is also clear that life is becoming increasingly unaffordable for average Americans. And while I am working tirelessly every day to promote progrowth ... More
  • Washington Times: BACHMANN: Onward to repeal Obamacare
    Jun 28, 2012  - By Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Thursday, June 28, 2012 The Supreme Court ruling on the president’s health care plan resulted in a sad day for freedom, liberty and the American people. In an activist decision, the court rewrote the foundation of the Affordable Care Act and then ruled it constituti... More
  • Michele Bachmann: Washington is taking notice of HHS mandate backlash (exclusive)
    Jun 19, 2012  - For opponents of the HHS mandate who are worried that the mainstream media has blacked out their message, one advocate on the Hill has an encouraging message: lawmakers in Washington are definitely taking notice. Former presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) told tha... More
  • Star Tribune: On trial: Minnesota Medicaid
    Jun 16, 2012  - By Kevin Diaz It began with a $30 million "voluntary contribution" to Minnesota taxpayers from one of the state's nonprofit Medicaid contractors, an unprecedented act of corporate generosity that raised eyebrows from St. Paul to Washington. Skepticism about the payment focused first on DFL Gov. Mark... More
  • CNS News: Bachmann: 'Is Government God? ... That's Really the Issue at Hand'
    Jun 8, 2012  - By Elizabeth Harrington In explaining her opposition to a Health and Human Services regulation that requires virtually all health-care plans to cover sterilizations, artificial contraception and abortifacients, Rep. Michele Bahmann said Friday that the issue involved in this mandate was whether the ... More
  • ICYMI: Lawmakers Aim to Help Foster Youth Earn an A+
    Jun 1, 2012  - The recently formed Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth introduces legislation critical to unleashing the educational potential of students in foster care. By. Daniel Heimpel As the country braces itself for election season’s pitched partisanship, a group of federal lawmakers from both sides of the... More