

While the United States has always been known as a nation of immigrants, it is also a nation founded on the rule of law and our immigration policies must reflect that. As a member of the Immigration Reform Caucus, I will continue to work for real immigration reform that enforces our laws and secures our borders.

I believe that strengthened enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws is a key requirement in the recovery of the American job market. The E-Verify program has been proven to be 99.9 percent effective in determining an applicant’s eligibility to work in the United States. Making participation in the E-Verify program mandatory will hold employers accountable for the eligibility of persons they hire.

Because I believe in maintaining the family, I support amending the Immigration and Nationality Act to allow only the spouses and children of legal immigrants (not extended family members) priority consideration in the immigration process. This would honor the rule of law and protect families at the same time.

Additionally, I cosponsored H.R.787, the “No Social Security for Illegal Immigrants Act of 2011” to ensure that illegal immigrants would not be reaping the benefits of our Social Security system. I cosponsored H.R. 1134, the “Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act” to forbid special federal funds from going to cities that prohibit enforcement of immigration laws.