Veterans Affairs

Veterans Affairs

Our military personnel and families are the everyday heroes of this nation. We send them into harm’s way and we must care for them upon their return. Since the war fighter sacrificially answered the call of duty, the United States is duty-bound to do everything we can for these brave men and women. Further, we have the tools and ingenuity to provide continued excellent care for our veterans, without charging more to military families.

It is my highest honor as a Member of Congress to stand up for those who stood up for us all. I will always fight for veterans. That is why I introduced H.R. 1285, the Military Health Care Affordability Act. This bill would freeze TRICARE fees through FY 2013 on military retirees and their families. We are the home of the free, thanks to the brave. As legislators, must never forget that.

To ensure that the debt limit debate wouldn’t put military pay in jeopardy, I cosponsored H.R. 2496, the “Payment Reliability for our Obligations to Military and Investors to Secure Essential Stability (PROMISES) Act.” I also co-sponsored H.Res. 15 to ensure that military construction and veterans’ affairs appropriations bills are passed as stand-alone measures. This legislation would prevent veterans funding from becoming vehicles for earmarks and unrelated legislative initiatives. Finally, I believe we must provide more attention to the brave men and women who have not made it home. Therefore, I co-sponsored H. Res. 111 to establish a select committee on POW/MIA affairs.