
New C-band scanning ARM precipitation radar on Manus Island
New C-band scanning ARM precipitation radar on Manus Island
The ARM Climate Research Facility is a U.S. Department of Energy national user facility for the study of global climate change by the national and international research community. It consists of a network of highly instrumented ground stations; mobile and aerial facilities; and a data archive. ARM collaborates extensively with other laboratories, agencies, universities, and private firms in gathering and sharing data. Some of ARM’s collaborators include DOE laboratories, NOAA, NASA, the Climate Change Prediction program, and many U.S. and international universities.

Data gathered by ARM equipment and facilities are available to any user at no cost. Scientists can also request virtual or in-person access to one of ARM’s research sites. Proposals for conducting field campaigns and scientific research using the ARM Climate Research Facility are welcome from all members of the global scientific community.