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A Call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

I rise today to urge this body, the United States Congress, to join my constituents' call and meet my constituents' call for comprehensive immigration reform.

My constituents across the ideological spectrum, from those on the right, who decry the rule of law, the undermining of the state of law and the affront to our sovereignty, to those on the left, who decry the tearing apart of families and the injustices of the inhumane treatment of people in our immigration system, we are calling out to fix our broken immigration system and replace it with one that works.

There are upwards of 10 to 15 million people residing in this country illegally. We owe it to the citizens of our country, conservative, liberal, and everywhere in between, to make sure that there are close to zero people living in this country illegally and pass comprehensive immigration reform, as both President Bush and President Obama have called for on a bipartisan basis.

My constituents demand action now. I call upon Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. 

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