image description U.S. CONGRESSMAN JOE WILSON | Serving South Carolina’s Second District

Photo Directory

9.11 Half Mast - September 11th ceremony - Congressman Wilson Meets with representatives of FN Manufacturing during the annual District Tour. - Visiting with FN Manufacturing in Columbia. Congressman Wilson Meets Miss South Carolina 2011. - Congressman Wilson standing with Miss South Carolina 2011, Courtney Turner. Congressman Wilson Attends Governor's Meeting Regarding NLRB Complaint Against Boeing at the US Chamber of Commerce. - Congressman Wilson sharing a lighthearted moment during the South Carolina Congressional meeting on the NLRB Complaint against Boeing featuring South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Rep. Joe Wilson, Sen. Jim DeMint, Sen. Lamar Alexander,and Sen. Rand Paul. Photo by Ian Wagreich of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce City of Columbia 9/11 Memorial Press Conference. - Congressman Wilson speaking at the City of Columbia 9/11 Memorial Press Conference. Congressman Wilson with members of the House standing in front of the Senate while urging Senator Reid to act on the latest House bill designed to fund the military and their families through the end of this year. - Congressman Wilson with members of the House standing in front of the Senate while urging Senator Reid to act on the latest House bill designed to fund the military and their families through the end of this year. Military Health Care Czar Press Conference - Congressman Wilson speaking at the press conference denouncing the new "Military Health Care Czar." Congressman with Orangeburg Prep students - Congressman Wilson visiting with students from Orangeburg Preparatory School on the steps of the United States Capitol. AGW with SC Credit Union - Congressman Wilson speaking to a conference hosted by the South Carolina Credit Union. \DSC_0318.JPG - Congressman Wilson speaking with attendees at the Congressional Military Family Caucus meeting. \112th Congress.jpg - South Carolina's Republican Delegation for the 112th Congress. \JoeWilson6.JPG - Congressman Wilson shown filling care packages for soldiers as part of the Congressional USO program. number two - Congressman Wilson speaks at a press conference outside the Capitol #1 - Congressman Wilson waves from the podium at Healthcare Freedom