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Bachmann Applauds Supreme Court for Upholding D.C. Residents’ Second Amendment Rights

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Washington, D.C., Jun 26, 2008 -

U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN-6) made the following statement in response to the Supreme Court decision overturning the District of Columbia gun ban, restoring Second Amendment rights to residents of the District:

"I was pleased to see the Supreme Court uphold our nation’s greatest document, the Constitution, today restoring Second Amendment rights long denied to D.C residents by their extraordinarily restrictive firearm ban. The Second Amendment, which guarantees the individual right to bear arms, has been attacked by Washington politicians for far too long. Our Founding Fathers wrote this Amendment to protect the rights of our citizens. It’s a relief to hear that the voices of D.C.’s citizens were heard at the U.S. Supreme Court and that their freedom to own a firearm was protected."

Today, the House Financial Service Committee adopted language offered by Congresswoman Bachmann to protect the Second Amendment rights of public housing tenants during a mark-up on H.R. 6216, the Public Housing Asset Management Improvement Act. Recently, several public housing authorities were forcing law-abiding citizens to give up their Second Amendment rights in order to reside in taxpayer subsidized public housing.



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