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CitizenFeedback Survey

Link: The Federal Consulting Group - U.S. Department of the Interior - National Business Center

Trading Cases

Managers Sharing Good Practices and Models in the Federal Workplace


Human Capital   (Historical)
Strategic Planning   (Historical)
Managing for Results   (Historical)
Developing and Managing Teams   (Historical)
Performance Management   (Historical)
Managing Technology   (Historical)
Customer Satisfaction  (Historical)
Organizational Transformation  (Historical)
Program Assessment  (Historical)
Communicating with Employees  (Historical)
Communicating with the Public  (Historical)
Cross-agency Practices and Collaboration  (Historical)
Risk Management (Crisis Management) and Communications  (Historical)
Volunteering or Community Involvement  (Historical)

Last Reviewed: October 20, 2011

We Want Your "Good Practices" Links

Are you interested in trading cases? Do you have dot-gov or dot-mil links with good management practices, how-to reports, or samples of model practices that other federal agencies could use? Please send to Put “How to” in the subject line.

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The Federal Consulting Group
U.S. Department of the Interior • National Business Center

1951 Constitution Ave, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20245
Phone: (202) 513-7687
Fax: (202) 513-7686