Wasteful Spending

Wasteful Spending

The American people sent a clear message in November 2010 to do one thing:  reduce the national debt and cut spending. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration refuses to acknowledge that we cannot simply kick the can down the road and expect our fiscal mess to clean itself up. To put this in perspective, in 2009 and 2010, federal spending reached 24.7 percent and 23.8 percent of GDP respectively, the highest totals since World War II. Additionally, discretionary spending between 2007 and 2010 increased by 25 percent. I have opposed every increase in the debt limit throughout my three terms in the United States House of Representatives.

Moreover, according to the Office of Management and Budget, the annual federal deficit will be a record $1.65 trillion in FY 2011. While it is true that the previous Administration contributed to the dire fiscal climate, it is the current Administration that has accelerated the problem with its trillion dollar stimulus, trillion dollar healthcare package, bloated spending bills and complete lack of regard for future generations. The United States cannot continue down this path and expect to be the nation that the generations before us once knew.

We need a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution. We also must acknowledge we cannot expect increased taxes to solve our problems. Spending has to be controlled and common sense must prevail.