Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

U.S. Department of Defense

Protected Critical Infrastructure Program

Welcome to The DoD Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) Program, created under the Critical Infrastructure Information (CII) Act of 2002, and accredited by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The PCII Program offers public disclosure protection to CII voluntarily shared with government entities for homeland security/defense purposes.

Main Features of the PCII Program

Information voluntarily given through the PCII Program, to the Federal government for homeland defense purposes, may not be used as a basis for regulatory action and is protected from:

  • FOIA disclosure
  • State and local disclosure laws
  • Use in civil litigation

This program offers government security analysts a way to access CII given by the private sector while owners/operators of critical infrastructure are assured that their information is protected from public disclosure.

Only trained Authorized Users, with a specific Need-To-Know, can access PCII and use it only for homeland defense purposes.

Benefits of the PCII Program

  • The private sector can more freely share sensitive and proprietary CII with government partners with the confidence that it will be protected from public release.
  • DoD and other government entities partnering in the PCII Program have access to information that might not otherwise be provided by the private sector.
  • DoD and other government entities, partnering with the PCII Program, are better able to demonstrate their ability to safeguard private sector information from public disclosure.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
2100 Defense Pentagon
Washington D.C.

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