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Triangle bullet point Wind Integration Team

Wind Power

Wind Power

The Bonneville Power Administration strongly supports Northwest wind power development. We have more than 3,000 megawatts of wind power connected to our grid today and expect to have up to 6,000 MW by 2013. We are facilitating wind power's growth by:

  • Building and financing wind-integration transmission,
  • Revamping grid operation to handle large amounts of variable generation,
  • Creating new wind power friendly business practices.
Related Industry News
BPA braces for strong spring runoff, excess power and wind
power cuts


U.S. Agency Is Ordered to Change Wind Rules
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Lawmakers, BPA grapple with energy oversupply

The High-Stakes Math Behind the West's Greatest River

Taming Unruly
Wind Power

(New York Times)

Wind Power
in the BPA Grid
Wind Generation Capacity
Wind Generation Capacity
Wind Power Sites
Wind Power Sites
Wind Generation in the Last Seven Days
Balancing Authority Load and Total Wind Generation Chart, Last 7 days
BPA Aggregated Wind Generation Forecast
BPA Aggregated Wind Generation Forecast
Growth Forecast
Growth Forecast
BPA's Wind Integration Team is developing new approaches to managing large amounts of wind power effectively in the BPA transmission grid. We welcome your involvement.

General Information

News release: Wind power on BPA system sets another new record

Presentation: Southwest Power Pool overview (November 2011)
Presentation: Southwest Power Pool Energy Imbalance Service (November 2011)
Presentation: Wind Energy Development in the Pacific Northwest (June 2011 pdf)
Northwest Wind Integration Forum

Fact sheet: BPA’s wind power pilots launched, working well (October 2010 pdf)
Fact Sheet: BPA's wind power efforts surge forward (March 2010 pdf)
Map: BPA anemometer locations (August 2009 pdf)
Northwest Wind Integration Action Plan (2007)


For more information, please visit BPA's Public Information Center.

Transmission of Wind Power

Wind as a BPA Power Resource

Wind Research and Demonstration

Related BPA Efforts

Several BPA initiatives that are not solely related to wind power are still very important to wind power's development in the Northwest.

  • BPA is pursuing additional tools to manage occasional periods of overgeneration during high water events in the BPA balancing authority area to protect fish and comply with Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act requirements.
  • Our Conditional Firm Transmission Service allows greater use of existing transmission.
  • Our Network Open Season has prioritized thousands megawatts of new transmission projects to support wind and other new power sources.
  • Rates for wind integration services as well as other BPA services are being set in the BPA rate cases.
  • BPA discusses transmission issues, including those related to wind power, with its customers in its Joint Operating Committee.

Other Wind-Related Links

Need help finding something? Send us a message, or give us a call at 800-622-4519.
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