Electronic Guide to Federal Procurement ADR

ADR Neutrals

he Boards of Contract Appeals ("Boards" or "BCAs"), the General Accounting Office ("GAO"), the FAA Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition and other federal dispute resolution forums regularly make available their judges and adjudication attorneys to serve as ADR neutrals. There are also individuals who have previously served as dispute forum neutrals, academics and other eminent individuals in the private sector who may be particularly well suited in terms of temperament and background in the government contracts field. It is important to verify that any proposed neutral has had adequate experience and proven skill with the particular variety of ADR you have in mind. The vast majority of ADR proceedings involving federal contract-related matters are conducted by forum neutrals.


  1. The Boards
  2. The GAO
  3. The FAA Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition
  4. Private Sector Neutrals
  5. Tables

The Boards

The Boards are an excellent source of impartial and cost effective neutrals with the specific knowledge and experience that is particularly suited to assisting in the resolution of government contracting controversies. For over a decade, the Boards have provided neutrals for hundreds of ADR proceedings. Success rates exceed 90% for non-binding ADRs. The Boards are committed to actively fostering the use of ADR in government contract-related matters and will make Board personnel available to participate in promising ADR proceedings in protest, pre-appeal matters, and post-appeal disputes. ADR requests are given a priority. In support of the goals of the Interagency Working Group on ADR, the Boards have committed to making neutrals available for appropriate ADR proceedings to any federal agency that requires assistance.

Three basic ADR techniques are regularly used at the Boards. The first is a binding ADR technique, often referred to as a Summary Trial with Binding Decision. Under this technique, the parties try the matter informally before an administrative judge who renders a "bench" decision at the conclusion of the hearing or shortly thereafter. By agreement, the decision is not precedential, but is final, conclusive, not appealable, and may not be set aside, except for fraud. The length of the trial and the extent to which the scheduling is expedited are tailored to the circumstances of each ADR proceeding. See ADR Agreement -- ASBCA Summary Trial With Binding Decision.

The other two techniques used by the Boards are non-binding ADR procedures: the settlement judge and the minitrial. The settlement judge technique is the most commonly used non-binding ADR technique. Under this approach, the parties, with settlement authority, present their positions to each other in the presence of the neutral who will maintain the confidentiality of the proceedings and will have no further involvement in their controversy if the mediation is unsuccessful. The neutral engages the parties in a frank, in-depth discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of their positions. The neutral meets with the parties, either jointly or individually, to the extent necessary to foster a negotiated settlement. The neutral’s recommendations are not binding on the parties. See ADR Agreement -- ASBCA Settlement Judge.

The minitrial process, as its name implies, is more trial-like in its procedural orientation and more structured than the settlement judge technique, yet it remains a highly flexible, expedited procedure. It tends to be used only in the more complex, high dollar disputes. In this technique a "panel" composed of a principal representative from each side and a neutral listen to presentations and the principals are asked to objectively "judge" what is presented to them. Each party’s principal representative is typically a senior official who is generally knowledgeable about the dispute, but who was not directly involved in events leading up to the dispute. The representatives are expected to have full settlement authority. The proceeding is aimed at informing the principal representatives and the neutral advisor of the underlying bases of the parties’ positions. Each party is given the opportunity and responsibility to present its "best case." The presentations are made primarily through the parties’ counsel and more often than not follow a question and answer format, with some provision for cross-examination, albeit under relaxed rules of evidence. The neutral advisor presides during the ADR proceeding and participates in the negotiations between the parties. Like the settlement judge technique, the neutral advisor may meet with the parties or their counsel, jointly or individually, to the extent the neutral feels necessary to foster a negotiated settlement. The neutral advisor’s recommendations are not binding on the parties and, if the minitrial does not result in a settlement, the neutral advisor will not participate further and will maintain the confidentiality of the proceedings. See ADR Agreement -- ASBCA Judge-Assisted Mini-Trial.

The Boards recognize that one of the strengths of the ADR process would be lost if the same procedural format were insisted on in every case. Consequently, the Boards are willing to consider other methods which are tailored to suit the requirements of a particular dispute. The Boards are available to help the parties select the appropriate ADR technique and to design the ADR process.

There are eleven federal Boards: Armed Services BCA, Corps of Engineers BCA, Department of Agriculture BCA, Department of Energy BCA, Department of Housing and Urban Development BCA, Department of the Interior BCA, Department of Labor BCA, Department of Transportation BCA, Department of Veterans Affairs BCA, General Services Administration BCA, and Postal Service BCA. Each Board has jurisdiction over contract disputes arising out of the activities of the Department that created it and certain other designated agencies. Each Board will provide ADR services to agencies for whom it bears dispute resolution responsibility.

In addition, all of the Boards, with the exception of the General Services Administration Board, participate in a BCA-ADR Sharing Arrangement. Under the sharing arrangement BCA personnel can be made available, free of charge, to conduct ADR proceedings for other agencies. The parties are encouraged to look first to obtaining ADR services from the Board that would normally handle the matter. Agency contracting officials or federal contractors who are interested in using BCA personnel from another agency should contact the Chair of the Board that would normally handle the matter. The Chairs can suggest the names of personnel from other Boards who can be made available to conduct ADR processes. Upon receiving a request for a neutral from another Board, the Chair will promptly take the necessary steps to obtain a neutral through the BCA-ADR Sharing Arrangement.

The General Services Administration Board provides ADR services to other agencies on a modest cost-reimbursement basis. For this purpose, the GSBCA will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the other federal agency. The agency will then obtain reimbursement from the other party for a portion of the amounts paid to the GSBCA under terms of the parties' ADR agreement.


In recent years, the GAO has initiated a program for utilizing ADR to resolve bid protests. The two ADR methods used by GAO attorneys who act as ADR neutrals are: (1) negotiation assistance (facilitative mediation); and (2) outcome prediction (early neutral evaluation). A more detailed description of the ADR process before the GAO can be found in an article by the GAO's Daniel I. Gordon, Esq. entitled "GAO's Use of 'Negotiation Assistance' and 'Outcome Prediction' as ADR Techniques." See Gordon Article.

The FAA Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition

The Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition ("ODRA") was created in 1996 as part of the FAA's new Acquisition Management System ("AMS"). The AMS was developed pursuant to Section 348 of the 1996 Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, Public Law 104-50. In the Act, Congress mandated the development of an entirely new FAA system for the acquisition of goods and services, and exempted the FAA from existing acquisition laws and regulations. The FAA's ODRA thus operates as the exclusive forum available for adjudication of bid protests and contract disputes arising under the AMS. The ODRA uses streamlined processes and procedures both for ADR and adjudication.

Although both non-binding and binding forms of ADR are available under the AMS and the ODRA's procedural rules (see ODRA's Rules), the ODRA uses consensual non-binding ADR as its primary mode of dispute resolution for both bid protests and contract disputes. ADR is employed in one form or another in virtually every case before the ODRA, and, since the ODRA's creation, nearly 60% of the controversies filed with the ODRA (54% of the protests and 88% of the contract disputes) have been successfully settled via ADR.

The ODRA makes its own Dispute Resolution Officers (DROs) available to serve as ADR neutrals, with the parties' consent. Biographical information about the ODRA DROs is contained in the ODRA Web site. Frequently, the ODRA conducts ADR and adjudication concurrently on two separate tracks, with two separate DROs. Once an ODRA DRO serves as an ADR neutral, he or she may not participate in a subsequent adjudication, should the matter not be settled via ADR.

In addition to its own DROs as ADR neutrals, under an interagency agreement between the FAA and the General Services Administration ("GSA"), the ODRA has made available judges from the GSA Board of Contract Appeals to serve as ODRA ADR neutrals. Alternatively, the AMS and ODRA procedures permit the parties to a controversy to agree to employ and share the costs of a compensated ADR neutral.

Substantial information about the ADR process at the FAA ODRA (including access to standard ADR-related agreements) is available at the ADR page of the ODRA Web site.

Private Sector Neutrals

The ADRA of 1996 authorized agencies to enter into contracts for the services of ADR neutrals and amended the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) to exempt such contracts from the normal requirement for full and open competition. Special rules regarding small business set-asides for the acquisition of ADR neutral services and the justifications needed for sole source procurement of such services are enunciated in the FAR. Private sector neutrals may be engaged individually or through organizations such as the American Arbitration Association (AAA), the Center for Public Resources (CPR) and others. The General Services Administration has developed Federal Supply Schedule contract coverage for obtaining neutral services for workplace disputes. It also plans to provide schedule coverage for procurement ADR disputes by the Fall of 1999. Interested parties should check the GSA Schedule Web Site at http://pub.fss.gsa.gov/sched/.

Information Tables

Table I below identifies each dispute resolution forum and provides pertinent contact information. Table II contains a listing of government departments and agencies and identifies the forums to which they may turn for ADR neutrals.


Principal Point of Contact

Alternate Point
of Contact for ADR Inquiries
Address Telephone Facsimile E-Mail

Armed Services



Martin J. Harty

5109 Leesburg Pike

Falls Church, VA 22041-3208

(703) 681-8501

(703) 681-8535


Corps of Engineers

Edward G. Ketchen

MaryEllen D. Simpson

20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20314-1000

(202) 761-0369

(202) 761-4244




Dept. of Agriculture




14th & Independence Avenue, SW
Room 2912,
South Building
Washington, DC 20250-0600

(202) 720-7023

(202) 720-3059


Dept. of Energy BCA

E. Barclay Van Doren


HG-50, Building 950
Washington, DC 20585-0116

(202) 426-9316

(202) 426-0215


Dept. of Housing and Urban Development BCA

David T. Anderson

Kim T.

451 7th Street, SW
Room 2131, HUD Building
Washington, DC 20410-0001

(202) 254-0000

(202) 254-0011


Dept. of the
Interior BCA

Gene Perry Bond

Cheryl Scott Rome

4015 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1026
Arlington, VA 22203

(703) 235-3813

(703) 235-1281


Dept. of Transpor-tation BCA

Thaddeus V. Ware

James L. Stern

400 7th Street, SW
Room 5101 (S-20)
Washington, DC 20590

(202) 366-4305

(202) 366-1025


Dept. of
Veterans Affairs BCA

Guy H.
McMichael, III

Pat Sheridan

810 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20420

(202) 273-6743

(202) 275-5381


General Services Administra-
tion BCA

Stephen M. Daniels


1800 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20405

(202) 501-0585

(202) 501-0664


Postal Service BCA

James A. Cohen

Diane Mego

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22201

(703) 812-1905

(703) 812-1901


FAA Office
of Dispute

Anthony N. Palladino

Richard C. Walters

400 Seventh Street, S.W., Room 8332
Washington, D.C.

(202) 366-6400

(202) 366-7400


General Accounting Office

H. Gamboa

Daniel I. Gordon

Office of General Counsel
Room 7165
441 G Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20548

(202) 512-5207

(202) 512-9749


Federal Agency Assigned Dispute Resolution Forum


Dept. of Agriculture BCA

Bureau of Prisons

Dept. of Transportation BCA

Coast Guard

Dept. of Transportation BCA


General Services Administration BCA

Corp. for National & Community Service

Armed Services BCA

Corps of Engineers, Civil Works

Corps of Engineers BCA

Defense Agencies & Corps of

Engineers (Other Than Civil Works)

Armed Services BCA


General Services Administration BCA


Dept. of Energy BCA

Environmental Protection Agency

Dept. of the Interior BCA

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

General Services Administration BCA

Federal Aviation Administration

FAA Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Dept. of Housing and Urban Development BCA

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Dept. of Energy BCA

General Services Administration

General Services Administration BCA

Health and Human Services

Armed Services BCA


Dept. of the Interior BCA


Dept. of Transportation BCA


Dept. of Labor BCA


Armed Services BCA

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Dept. of Energy BCA

Office of Thrift Supervision

General Services Administration BCA

Office of Management and Budget

Armed Services BCA

Securities and Exchange Commission

Dept. of Energy BCA

Small Business Administration

General Services Administration BCA

Social Security Administration

General Services Administration BCA

Transportation (Other than FAA)

Dept. of Transportation BCA


General Services Administration BCA

Veterans Affairs

Dept. of Veterans Affairs BCA

On to Section VI

What is the Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Working Group?

We are the central forum and resource for information about the federal government's use of ADR. We advance the use of ADR through:

  • Coordination of multi-agency initiatives
  • Promotion of best practices and programs
  • Dissemination of policy and guidance

Federal ADR Programs and Contacts


By Mail:

Joanna M. Jacobs
Director and Senior Counsel
Office of Dispute Resolution
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 4529
Washington, DC 20530-0001

By Email:
