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ADA Speakers Bureau

The ADA Speakers Bureau provides expert speakers at selected national and regional conferences and training sessions.

To request a speaker for a major conference, write or fax your request to:

attn: Speakers Bureau
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Civil Rights Division
Disability Rights - NYAVE
Washington, D.C. 20530

fax: 202-514-0404 (for Speakers Bureau requests only)

ADA.GOV/AIDS, U.S. Department of Justice


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Help spread the word. Embed the badge on your website—just copy this html code into your site.  Visitors will be directed to the Department’s site dedicated to fighting discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS.

ADA AIDS Press, Blogs & Outreach


Justice Department Settles with Pennsylvania School for $715,000 Over Exclusion of Child with HIV

Health Care Providers Settle with Justice Department Over Complaints of HIV Discrimination

Justice Department Issues Letter Regarding Illegal Exclusion of Individuals with HIV/AIDS from Occupational Training and State Licensing

Justice Department Settles with Cosmetology School in Puerto Rico on Allegations of HIV Discrimination

Justice Department Settles Lawsuit Alleging HIV Discrimination by RV Resort in Alabama


Blogs. Office of National AIDS Policy
Toward AIDS 2012: Fighting Discrimination Against People with HIV/AIDS
It is a Civil Right to Live Free from Discrimination on the basis of HIV/AIDS Status
Justice Department Issues letter Regarding Illegal Exclusion of Individuals with HIV/AIDS from Occupational Training and State Licensing
Department of Justice Settles with Cosmetology School in Puerto Rico on Allegations of HIV Discrimination


The Department continues to conduct outreach to educate target populations about anti-discrimination laws, and has done so in Birmingham, Alabama; Jackson, Mississippi; Columbus, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; San Francisco, California; Augusta, Georgia; South Bend, Indiana; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Cleveland, Ohio; New Orleans, Louisiana; St. Louis, Missouri; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Mobile, Alabama; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Salt Lake City, Utah.

Department representatives presented at the National LGBT Bar Association Lavender Law Conference in Los Angeles, California (September 8-10, 2011); the 2011 United States Conference on AIDS in Chicago, Illinois (November 10-13, 2011); the Southern AIDS Coalition Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia (February 6-8, 2012); and the Mississippi State AIDS Conference in Jackson, Mississippi (February 29 - March 2, 2012).

Department representatives will present on HIV discrimination at the AIDS Community Research Initiative of America's HIV Health Literacy trainings in Jackson, Mississippi (April 9-10, 2012) and San Juan, Puerto Rico (April 16-17, 2012). | Civil Rights Division

last updated July 23, 2012