
Contact: Dan Kotman 202-225-2331

Bachmann Releases Statement on Latest Unemployment Numbers

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Washington, Oct 5 - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) released the following statement regarding the latest unemployment numbers reported today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“The unemployment rate is not just a number; it is real people with real stories. Every new job is welcome, but 7.8 percent after 43 months of unemployment above 8 percent is too little, too late. And millions of Americans are either underemployed or have given up looking for work.

“Everywhere I go in Minnesota I have the privilege of meeting with small business owners and listening to their concerns. They tell me that increased taxes, regulation, gas prices, and health care costs are hurting their business and slowing down economic growth.

“According to a recent survey by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, only 16 percent of small business owners reported plans to hire additional employees this year, and a majority of businesses are expected to hold off well into 2013. America’s job creators have every reason to wary of the economic uncertainty created by President Obama’s policy of more spending and higher taxes.

“We need a change in direction and policy. We need to unleash the free market by lowering taxes on job creators, repealing Obamacare, legalizing American energy production and getting rid of job-killing regulations. We need to stop relying on government and instead put our faith in the American people.”


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