Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

U.S. Department of Defense

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Partnership Strategy and Stability Operations

USG Civilian Capabilities

As the DoD Directive 3000.05 states “Many stability operations tasks are best performed by indigenous, foreign, or U.S. civilian professionals”. Many U.S. government civilian agencies, however, do not yet have the capacity or the capability to respond to the degree necessary. Improving the capacity of civilian agencies and integrating civilian and military activities to ensure unity of effort in such operations is critical. The Office of Stability Operations Capabilities has been working on and providing support to initiatives to accomplish this, both inside and outside DoD.

In August 2004, State Department created the Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization (S/CRS). S/CRS is attached to the Office of the Secretary of State and the Coordinator is dual-hatted as a Deputy Director of Foreign Assistance. On 7 December 2005, President Bush signed National Security Presidential Directive–44 (NSPD-44) entitled “Management of Interagency Efforts Concerning Reconstruction and Stabilization”, recognizing the need to improve the coordination, planning and implementation of U.S. government reconstruction and stabilization missions in states and regions at risk of, in or in transition from conflict or civil strife. Stability Operations Capabilities is the principal liaison office for NSPD-44 efforts.

NSPD-44 is generally a “companion piece” to Directive 3000.05. It directs the civilian side of the U.S. government to develop the capability to plan, prepare for and conduct the civilian aspects of stability operations. While the Department of State is the lead agency under the NSPD-44 process, DoD, through the Office of Stability Operations Capabilities, has taken a significant part in providing expertise and support to the Department of State to help it establish the mechanisms necessary to fulfill its mandate under NSPD-44. Through the NSPD-44 implementation process progress has been made to develop an Interagency Management System for Reconstruction & Stabilization to coordinate policy development, planning, and execution of such operations; triggers for launching whole-of-government planning; and revised personnel and training strategies to ensure appropriate expertise is available for stability operations.

USAID has also taken steps to improve coordination with the military by standing up an Office of Military Affairs and working to place a Senior Development Advisor at each geographical Combatant Command.

Contact Information
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Partnership Strategy and Stability Operations
2500 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301-2900
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
2100 Defense Pentagon
Washington D.C.

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