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ACHP Updates Tribal Consultation Plan

While the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) has long had a consultation plan for dealing with tribal governments in existence, President Barack Obama's Nov. 4, 2009, executive memorandum served as the impetus for updating the plan and submitting it to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to better comply with the directive.

The ACHP's plan, available at, outlines the steps the ACHP will take to consult with tribal nations regarding proposed Section 106 regulations, policy development and advice to the President and Congress regarding historic preservation matters of concern to Indian tribes. The ACHP also has a much broader policy statement than was formerly the case regarding its relationship with Indian tribes. This policy is appended to the new consultation plan.

Last November, President Obama signed an executive memorandum calling for each federal agency to submit to OMB within 90 days a plan of action to implement President Bill Clinton's Executive Order 13175 on Consultation and Coordination with Tribal Governments. The ACHP complied by updating its existing E.O. 13175 consultation plan that had been submitted to OMB in 2001. In accordance with President Obama's memorandum, the revised consultation plan was submitted to OMB on Feb. 3, 2010.

The ACHP actually adopted its tribal policy in 2000, before E.O. 13175 was issued, in recognition of its role as administrator of a federal consultation process and to demonstrate its commitment to tribal consultation. To implement the provisions of the tribal policy, the ACHP adopted an action plan in 2003 which provides program direction to the staff. The action plan is available here.

To comply with the November memorandum, the ACHP first sought advice from its Native American Advisory Group. On Dec. 14, 2009, the ACHP sent an invitation to tribal leaders to participate in teleconferences and to provide written comments on the draft plan by Jan. 15, 2010. Teleconferences were hosted on Jan. 6 and Jan. 13, 2010. Based on comments received during this period, the ACHP revised the former plan.

Although the plan has been submitted to OMB, the ACHP continues to welcome comments from tribal leaders. The plan is meant to be an evolving document that reflects the views and needs of both the ACHP and Indian tribes that are subject to change over time. Please direct any comments or questions to Valerie Hauser, Native American Program Coordinator, at

Updated February 28, 2010

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