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Research Activities

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October 1999, No. 230


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Care for elderly heart attack patients is at least as good in HMOs as in fee-for-service


Evidence-based Medicine
   Beta blockers may be the most effective first-line treatment for stable angina
   Many factors affect physicians' acceptance and use of new clinical guidelines
   New report focuses on rehabilitation for children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury

Outcomes/Effectiveness Research
   Private nonteaching hospitals have higher cesarean delivery rates than other hospitals for Medicaid-insured women
   Researchers examine hospital length-of-stay and costs for pneumonia

Clinical Decisionmaking
   Early postoperative enteral feeding for bowel resection patients is cost effective
   Dialysis patients' quality-of-life concerns deserve greater attention from providers
   Elderly patients with serious depression may not accurately describe their physical health

Primary Care
   Largest U.S. study ever examines pediatric referrals to specialists
   Feedback and financial incentives may not improve pediatric preventive care in Medicaid HMOs
   Costs pose a barrier to early childhood immunization
   Patients with disabilities are less likely than nondisabled patients to receive preventive care services
   Programs to improve timely prenatal care should not focus solely on uninsured and Medicaid-insured women
   Primary care physicians interact differently with patients during initial and return visits

Rural Health
   Rural communities motivated to develop managed care networks benefit most from technical assistance programs

Managed Care
   Managed care apparently does not constrain use of intensive care services

HIV/AIDS Research
   Multiple drug therapy for HIV clinic patients is only half as successful as it is for clinical trial patients
   A substantial number of HIV-infected individuals also suffer from serious mental illness

AHCPR News and Notes
   AHCPR launches research program to improve the safe and effective use of medical products
   HHS Secretary appoints new members to AHCPR National Advisory Council

   AHCPR, Packard Foundation, and HRSA award $9.1 million for studies on improving health care for low-income children
   AHCPR congratulates recent recipients of dissertation grants
   New book recounts tragedy to hemophiliacs from HIV-tainted blood in the early 1980s and their eventual empowerment
   Attention Researchers

Research Briefs

AHCPR Publication No. 00-0003

AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care