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Research Activities

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November 2002, No. 267


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Preventive Services Task Force issues caution on combined hormone therapy

Outcomes/Effectiveness Research

Over two-thirds of survivors of early-stage cancer are still working 5 to 7 years later

Health Care Delivery

Doctors need to be attentive to the weight concerns of disabled adults, who are twice as likely as other adults to be obese
Researchers examine nurse staffing and shortages

Evidence-Based Medicine

Evidence is sparse on the use of epinephrine-containing anesthetics in hypertensive dental patients

Minority Health

State outreach efforts are needed to enroll more non-English-speaking families in Medicaid programs

HIV/AIDS Research

Nearly 20 percent of work discrimination charges filed in the 1990s by people with HIV disease had merit

Quality of Care

Practice sites and medical groups may be more meaningful sources for measuring health care quality than health plans

Health Care Costs and Financing

HMO growth during the 1990s was associated with less physician income growth, practice autonomy, and satisfaction
Federal Employees Health Benefit Program uses a capped premium subsidy to help reduce selection

Agency News and Notes

New AHRQ initiative will move research into practice more quickly
AHRQ awards new grants to primary care practice-based research networks
AHRQ has funded nearly 100 research projects focused on improving patient safety


Cultural competence guides now available to aid managed care plans
AHRQ to host annual child health services research meeting
New MEPS data files are released
Calling all AHRQ researchers! Help Us to Help You
Grant final reports now available from NTIS

Research Briefs

Current as of November 2002
AHRQ Publication No. 03-0010

The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care