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Research Activities

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June 2007, No. 322


About Research Activities

Feature Story

AHRQ publishes landmark Federal handbook on the use of patient registries

Patient Safety and Quality

Reduced payments to hospitals may jeopardize patient safety
Medication errors are common among patients in psychiatric hospitals

Disparities/Minority Health

Information about health plans should be tailored to meet the diverse needs of people with disabilities

Child/Adolescent Health

Parents prefer as much information as possible about the prognosis of their child's cancer
The State Children's Health Insurance Program can improve care access, use, and quality for children with special health care needs and adolescents
A managed care model and care coordination can reduce emergency department use among children with special health care needs
Incentives combined with peer counseling are a cost-effective way to get adolescents to adhere to a tuberculosis control program

Women's Health

Women's greater risk of dying after coronary artery bypass graft surgery may be due to transfusion-related immunosuppression

Elderly/Long-Term Care

A fall management program in nursing homes improves care and reduces use of physical restraints

Chronic Disease

Better outpatient care processes can improve the quality of life for patients with chronic disease

Outcomes/Effectiveness Research

Prophylactic antibiotics given to prevent surgical site infections are more timely if given in the operating room
Patients find it difficult to adhere to warfarin therapy even when monitored at anticoagulation clinics

Access to Care

Multidisciplinary programs increase patient access to comprehensive melanoma care
Certain medical education programs may reinforce physicians' goals to practice in disadvantaged communities

Acute Care/Hospitalization

Risk factors can help predict which patients with hospital-acquired urinary tract infections will develop blood infections

Agency News and Notes

AHRQ's annual State Snapshots highlight States' gains and lags in health care quality
New Web tool provides samples of report cards on health care quality
New resource offers suggestions for improving the safety in health care environments
Rate of childbirth-related hospital stays decreases for girls under age 18


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 2007 Annual Meeting
AHRQ awards grants for health services research dissertation (R36)

Research Briefs

Research Briefs

AHRQ Publication No. 07-0042
Current as of June 2007


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care