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Research Activities

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January 1998, No. 212


About Research Activities

Feature Story

No-cost health care financing solutions are not feasible if access to care is to remain a priority


Managed Care
   More employers are offering health insurance, but fewer workers are taking it
   Price remains a significant factor in choosing or switching health insurance plans
   HCUP Research Note presents statistics on the top 50 diagnoses and procedures in U.S. hospitals
   AHCPR-supported studies examine the impact of managed care on quality and cost of care
   Managed care produces profound changes in structure and leadership of primary care clinics

Health Care Costs and Financing
   Medicare and privately insured patients are likely to pay more than others for similar home health services
   Rural residents are more likely than city-dwellers to be without health insurance for longer periods

Elderly/Long-term Care
   Low-risk elderly patients may be safely discharged early from the hospital following bypass surgery
   Occupational therapy may reduce health declines in older adults
   Researchers examine use of health care networks by older adults
   More than half of nursing home residents have behavior problems

   Interactive computer game encourages adolescents to delay parenthood

Clinical Decisionmaking
   Use of hormone replacement therapy among women without menopausal symptoms has doubled, but still remains low
   Head injury patients who develop late seizures are candidates for anticonvulsant medicine
   Sociodemographic and clinical factors affect use of diagnostic imaging tests for patients with back pain

HIV/AIDS Research
   Care for HIV-infected patients with PCP varies substantially among hospitals
   Early stage of infection rather than poor detection may be to blame for recent HIV-contaminated blood transfusions

AHCPR News and Notes
   From the Administrator: Health services research has a vital role to play in America's changing health care marketplace
   American College of Physicians' District of Columbia Chapter honors AHCPR's Administrator

   New brochure provides women with treatment choices for noncancerous uterine conditions
   Helping smokers quit
   AFMR Outstanding Investigator Award goes to Harry Selker
   AHCPR announces second conference on evidence-based practice
   New research report and grant final reports now available from NTIS
   Deadline extended for online subscriptions to Research Activities

Research Briefs
   Inaccuracy of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-CM) in identifying the diagnosis of ischemic cerebrovascular disease
   Comorbidity measures for use with administrative data
   Adjusting cesarean delivery rates for case mix
   Assessing uncertainty in cost-effectiveness analyses: Application to a complex decision model
   Categorical data analysis in public health
   The cost-effectiveness of fluconazole prophylaxis against primary systemic fungal infections in AIDS patients
   Discharge motor FIM-function related groups
   Development of function-related groups version 2.0: A classification system for medical rehabilitation
   Strategies for suppression, containment, and eradication of resurgent tuberculosis

AHCPR Publication No. 98-0012
Current as of January 1998

The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care