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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2010024 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 U.S. public-use datafile
This datafile contains the U.S. TIMSS 2007 data, including data that were collected only in the United States and not included on the international database available from the IEA. The additional data relate to the race and ethnicity of students and the percentage of students in a school eligible for the Federal free and reduced lunch program, among other variables. This datafile is intended to be used in conjunction with the international datafile available from the IEA.

A User Guide to the data is included in the U.S. TIMSS 2007 technical report, which is available online separately (publication number 2009012).
NCES 2010025 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 U.S. restricted-use datafile
This datafile contains school IDs that can be linked to the public-use U.S. TIMSS 2007 datafile to allow for merging with data from the Common Core of Data (CCD) and Private School Universe Survey (PSS). This datafile can only be obtained by those who apply for a restricted-use license through NCES. Information on how to merge the restricted-use datafile with the U.S. TIMSS 2007 public-use datafile is included.

A User Guide to the data is included in the U.S. TIMSS 2007 technical report, which is available online separately (publication number 2009012).
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National Center for Education Statistics -
U.S. Department of Education