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CitizenFeedback Survey

Link: The Federal Consulting Group - U.S. Department of the Interior - National Business Center

e-Presentations: E-Government Citizen Satisfaction Summit

George Washington University Conference Center
Washington, DC
Sponsored by the Federal Consulting Group
September 21, 2004

Speaker Bios (28kb) PDF   (Historical)


Ron Oberbillig, Moderator, Director, Performance Measures
Federal Consulting Group, Department of the Treasury


Anne Kelly, Executive Director and CEO, Federal Consulting Group, Department of the Treasury

Keynote Address: e-Government Update

Glenn Schlarman, Chief, Information Policy and Technology Branch, OIRA, Office of Management and Budget

Measuring Your Site from All Angles (1mb) PowerPoint Icon  (Historical)

Jim Sterne, Author and Internet Marketing Master, Targeting Marketing of Santa Barbara

How Do You Know if You’re Meeting the Needs of Citizens? PowerPoint Icon   (Historical)

Larry Freed, President & CEO, ForeSee Results

Commentary: American Customer Satisfaction Index / E-Government Satisfaction Index (219kb) PDF  (Historical)

Agency Scores PDF   (Historical)

Larry Freed, President & CEO, ForeSee Results

ROI on Your Website Investment: Making a Case for Improving Your Site (82kb) PowerPoint Icon  (Historical)

Tim Evans, Program Analyst, Office of Electronic Services, Social Security Administration

Panel: Acting on Customer Survey Results

Evaluation of NCI Web Site (287kb) PowerPoint Icon  (Historical)

Sue Feldman, Cancer Information Products and Systems, Office of Communications, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Evaluation of GAO Web Site (891kb) PowerPoint Icon(Historical)


Sharon Dooley, Director, Web Content and Electronic Media Services, Knowledge Services, Government Accountability Office

Panel: Now You’ve Built It…Does it Work? (4mb) PowerPoint Icon  (Historical)

Susan Fariss, Web Management Team

National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health

Cindy Love, Technical Information Specialist

National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health

How to Find the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)

Treasury’s Federal Consulting Group is the Executive Agent in government for the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). For more information, contact:

Ron Oberbillig, (202) 504-3656,

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The Federal Consulting Group
U.S. Department of the Interior • National Business Center

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Washington, DC 20245
Phone: (202) 513-7687
Fax: (202) 513-7686