Public Comments are being accepted until Nov. 2, 2012 for Environmental Assessment related to headstone removal in Millennium Area
10/3/2012 12:00:00 AM
The Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District is accepting public comments for the Environmental Assessment related to the Millennium Area.

EA for Millennium Area Headstone Removal Project Posted: 10/3/2012
Expiration date: 11/2/2012

An Environmental Assessment was prepared to assess the potential impacts of the Millennium Area Headstone Removal Project on property administered by Army National Military Cemeteries and National Park Service at Arlington County, Va. The retired headstones were placed in the stream and drainage channel during the mid-20th century for stabilization and erosion control purposes.

The purpose of the project is to remove all headstones being currently used as stream stabilization within ANC and NPS-administered property, while providing stabilization measures adequate to ensure that the system is not degraded. This project would remove the headstones and dispose of them properly. The project area includes three branches of a stream within one drainage area. Measures used to stabilize the channels and prevent erosion would include cross-vane rock structures, biodegradable soil erosion control matting, and native plantings. Impacts to surrounding cultural and natural resources would be minimized through the use of hand removal of headstones where feasible, small construction equipment, and biodegradable and natural materials for channel stabilization.

The EA was prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act and all applicable implementing regulations. Four Action Alternatives and a No-Action Alternative were identified for this project. Three of the Action Alternatives were eliminated from detailed evaluation as they did not meet the goals of the project and/or resulted in unacceptable levels of impact. The direct and indirect impacts of the Proposed Action Alternative and No-Action Alternative were evaluated for temporary, permanent, and cumulative impacts.

The Army National Military Cemeteries and the National Park Service, as administrators of the land within ANC, will continue to work together on this and other projects to protect and restore the important natural and cultural resources of ANC and NPS property within Section 29.

The EA will be available for review and comment for 30 days from the date of posting. Please go to the USACE Norfolk District website to review the complete EA and associated documents at: If you have any questions or wish to provide comments, please contact Mrs. Susan Conner of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District, at or 757-201-7390.