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Foreign and Defense Ministers Meetings

Foreign and Defense Ministers Meetings

Throughout the year Foreign and Defense Ministers Meetings occur at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, bringing together the foreign and Defense ministers from each of the 28 member states. At these meetings the US Secretaries of State and Defense represent the US during discussions on NATO’s most pressing security challenges including Afghanistan, Capabilities, Kosovo, and Missile Defense. Generally attended also by many of NATO’s partners, these meetings are a chance for NATO to strengthen its relationships around the world.

Defense Ministers, including United States Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, are coming to NATO HQ for Ministerial meetings October 9-10, 2012.
For more information and to stay updated on everything happening as it's happening, check our Twitter account: @USNATO, Ambassador Daalder's Twitter account @USAmbNATO, and our Tumblr page (will have up to minute statements and photos).


Secretary of Defense Panetta & NATO Secretary General Rasmussen Feb 2, 2012

Ministerial in Berlin, April 2011