The $6,400 Question: Understanding the Ryan Medicare Plan and its impact on seniors

To help the public better understand what the Ryan Medicare plan would mean for America’s seniors and seniors-to-be, Ways and Means Democrats are introducing “The $6,400 Question.”
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The Ryan Plan: Ends Medicare and Social Security, Cuts Taxes for Wealthy

The Ryan Budget lays out the House Republicans' reckless agenda for the country: Rewarding the wealthiest with permanent, unpaid-for tax cuts Dismantling of the Medicare program Massive cuts in Social Security benefits
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No Excuses Jobs Agenda

Ways and Means Committee Democrats have introduced a package of jobs bills within their No Excuses agenda to encourage Congressional Republicans to finally act to spur job growth. House Republicans have chosen to put politics ahead of the economy and the American people.
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What's at Stake in Health Care Repeal

The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act as constitutional is another victory for America’s families. It was a victory for tens of millions of people in our country who are are already seeing the benefits from the legislation.
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Republican Tax Agenda: Millionaires over the Middle Class

Instead of extending the middle class tax cut Republicans are holding the middle class tax cut hostage to huge tax breaks for the very wealthiest Americans and proposing to raise taxes on 25 million lower- and middle-income families.
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Social Security

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Read more about Social Security.

Tax Reform

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Read more about Tax Reform.