Chairman Dave Camp

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Public Comments Speak to the Value of the MTB
Friday, June 29, 2012
Today, the Ways and Means Committee posted nearly 1,100 comments received from the public on the Miscellaneous Tariff Bills.  In a completely open and transparent manner, over 1,250 bills, their disclosure forms, and summaries were posted on the Ways and Means Committee website on May 24 for public comment.  This public review assists the Committee in determining whether any domestic producer opposes any provision.  Below are excerpts from comments received, hailing the MTB for supporting U.S jobs, enabling the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturers and ensuring a completely open and transparent process.  

All comments are available

MTB Supports Jobs

“A widely cited economic study estimated that the last MTB package passed by Congress supported approximately 90,000 American jobs, increased U.S. production by roughly $4.6 billion, and expanded U.S. GDP by about $3.5 billion. Our economy simply cannot afford to let the MTB expire. Congress must act to support this policy which has supported economic growth and job creation.”
National Association of Manufacturers, a manufacturers’ association consisting of 11,000 manufacturing companies

“Plain and simple, the MTB is a trade bill that is a job creator for U.S. manufacturing.  The MTB creates jobs because it eliminates duties on intermediate inputs that are not produced in the United States but are used by U.S. manufacturers.  For the U.S. textile industry, the MTB is vital to reduce costs on inputs like certain acrylic and rayon products that are no longer made in the United States.”

American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition

“The passage of a tariff suspension legislation is important for several reasons.  First and foremost these suspensions help protect American jobs in the chemical industry by lowering unnecessary cost on components incorporated into final U.S. products.”

American Chemistry Council, representing companies engaged in the business of chemistry

“This legislation will be vital to Arkema and manufacturers, customers, end-users and other downstream beneficiaries across the country…Temporary duty suspensions help support jobs up and down the value chain in a variety of U.S. based manufacturers and businesses engaged in producing, processing and selling a range of important products and materials in many different industrial and consumer markets…The cost-savings from temporary duty suspensions allow companies like Arkema to maintain competitiveness, invest in new facilities and preserve our manufacturing base.”

Arkema, a world-class producer of industrial chemicals

“Nichino America, Inc. headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware, has seen strong employment growth throughout its U.S. operations.  Over the past ten years, Nichino has tripled its product line and taken pride in our stellar record for product safety…The MTB plays an integral role in our business model as we continue to grow and expand the list of products we are able to formulate and distribute to industry users and farmers across America and abroad.”

Nichino America, a company that provides new technology for crop protection products

MTB Makes U.S. Manufacturers More Competitive

“A 2011 NAM report indicates that the costs of manufacturing in America are already 20 percent higher than in our major competitor countries.  It is critical that Congress not burden our manufacturers with additional costs, as doing so could cause further job losses in a sector that is trying to recover from one of the worst economic recessions in our history.  MTB legislation must be passed prior to the expiration of all temporary duty suspensions at the end of 2012, or the import taxes paid by American manufacturers will increase and their production costs will rise.”
National Association of Manufacturers, a manufacturers’ association consisting of 11,000 manufacturing companies

“The expiration of existing duty suspensions is vital for increasing the competitiveness of our member companies.  Furthermore, since over 96% of all manufactured goods are touched by the business of chemistry, a reinstatement of duty suspensions would help boost the competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing sector more broadly."

American Chemistry Council, representing companies engaged in the business of chemistry

MTB Process Is the Most Transparent & Open Legislative Process

“The MTB process has become critical for U.S. apparel and footwear manufacturers and importers alike to reduce costs on inputs no longer available in the United States that are used in U.S. manufacturing as well as to reduce the cost of finished footwear and apparel no longer made (or never made) in the United States for American families. Beyond these important benefits, AAFA’s strong support for the MTB process is derived from the fact that, thanks in part to the very public and transparent nature of process, bills originally introduced on behalf of a few entities have in the end benefitted large swaths of the apparel and footwear industry.

“Thanks to the bi-partisan efforts of the House Ways & Means Committee, the MTB process has in the last few years become
the most transparent and open legislative process in Congress.” (emphasis added)
American Apparel & Footwear Association- AAFA is the national trade association representing apparel, footwear and other sewn products companies, and their suppliers
