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  The NSABB is a federal advisory committee chartered to provide advice, guidance, and leadership regarding biosecurity oversight of dual use research, defined as biological research with legitimate scientific purpose that may be misused to pose a biologic threat to public health and/or national security.  
  The NSABB is charged specifically to:  
   Recommend strategies and guidance for enhancing personnel reliability among individuals with access to biological select agents and toxins.  
   Provide recommendations on the development of programs for outreach, education and training in dual use research issues for scientists, laboratory workers, students and trainees in relevant disciplines.  
   Advise on policies governing publication, public communication, and dissemination of dual use research methodologies and results.  
   Recommend strategies for fostering international engagement on dual use biological research issues.  
   Advise on the development, utilization and promotion of codes of conduct to interdisciplinary life scientists, and relevant professional groups.  
   Advise on polices regarding the conduct, communication, and oversight of dual use research and results, as requested.  
   Advise on the Federal Select Agent Program, as requested.  
   Address any other issues as directed by the Secretary of HHS.  
  The NSABB is chartered to have up to 25 voting members with a broad range of expertise including molecular biology, microbiology, infectious diseases, biosafety, public health, veterinary medicine, plant health, national security, biodefense, law enforcement, scientific publishing, and related field. The NSABB also includes nonvoting ex officio members from 15 federal agencies and departments.  
   NSABB Charter  (Renewed April 4, 2012)  
   Voting Members  
   Ex Officio Members   

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